Pics that make you smile


... and that's the sad truth... :-/


Careful with such "pranks", a few years ago, I often scared semiparanoid People (who were scared by being spied on, but didn't mind to secure there PC's) by saying "careful, LCD-TV's are spying at you"... Today, the joke is on me: they invented HbbTV :-/
I think you're misunderstanding me/I'm not explaining myself clearly as usual.

Comedy prank rather than "scare" hoax, and something along the lines of dash cams but not dash cams, ie well known but not well understood.

It's funny that you were the one to express concern that, "The sad thing is that there are people who will believe this." regarding my fake tabloid newspaper headline yet now you are encouraging me to engage in a "comedy prank", when what I did here in the first place was indeed already intended as a comedy prank, albeit one intended for a small select special interest audience.

The more I think about the idea that anyone, even an idiot politician might believe the whole notion that a fake tabloid newspaper article was real considering how absurd the actual tabloid "news" is seems absurd. I guess one man's comedy prank is another man's "scare hoax".

Anyway, the ten minutes I spent in Photoshop making the fake exploding dash cam article just for DCT was one thing, an internet wide hoax, scary, funny or otherwise would be something else entirely........We'll see. ;)
...the idea that anyone, even an idiot politician might believe the whole notion that a fake tabloid newspaper article was real considering how absurd the actual tabloid "news" is seems absurd....

People (especially conspiracy theorists) will believe anything and promote it as absolute truth if presented in any sort of half-believable medium.

"Chemtrails" is just one of many examples.
Agreed, but my point here is that supermarket tabloids (especially "fake" ones) are hardly a "half-believable medium".
Agreed, but my point here is that supermarket tabloids (especially "fake" ones) are hardly a "half-believable medium".
True, but don't tell my ex-wife that. :rolleyes:
True, but don't tell my ex-wife that. :rolleyes:

Hah!...Well, I'm the one who asked yesterday if Michael Jackson is still dead? Still waiting for an answer but I'll see if there's any news in the check-out isle later today. Maybe your wife knows? :D
...Maybe your wife knows? :D
Ex-wife, EX - as in former. Please, I don't even want to think about that nightmare much less relive it. :eek:
Right..Ex. Sorry about that. I know the feeling all too well. :(

Did you hear that Mattel has come out with a "Divorced Barbie" Doll?........She comes with all of Ken's things. :D
Haven't seen this pic in a while

The Point with the Politicians in Europe is: they are using EVERY Reason - if reasonable or not - to forbid, to control, to spy, to repress, and to dismiss freedom, human rights, aso. Normaly, they call it "War against Terror" - but they love to take other reasons because no one is believing WaT anymore...

Eg. before the "Terrorists Attack" against Charlie Hebdo (which terrorist who planned an action looses it's passport on the crime scene, common....) , the European General Court (?? the uppest Court in the European Union) decided, that laws that allow investigations or surveillance (incl. listening to Data- and Phonetraffic) without a given suspicion is illegal. Countries like Germany and France were ordered to dismiss their surveillance-Programmes.

France didn't - they had total Trafficcontrol. Charlie Hebdo still has been attacked.

NOW, France sticks at their laws, Germany wants to implement similar ones, both countries are enforcing European Union to rethink their Surveillance-Programm... All due to the terrorists - they could not found with Surveillance...

And now think what will happen, if you hand those politicans REAL reasons (Hoax or not) to deny something.

Eg. Germany: Police is wearing wearable Cameras to record all actions to proof "Policemen's innocent" - but DashCams were concidered illegal...

Eg. in Switzerland, EVERY reason is good enough to DENY VOTINGS! Especially when citizens shall be "thumb enough"...

Everyone who speaks up against that, is considered Nazi (over here: SEVERE insult with consequences alone of the insult), Terrorist or worse...

Long speak short:
If you think PatriotAct destroyed Freedom, Law&Order, and constitutional Rights in the States - check out what it did to the Rest of the World... :-/

Like Einstein said:
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

But that's exactly what Politicians all over the world are doing...

(I rest my OT-case ;-)
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This thread is probably not the place to get into this subject in any depth but I agree.

I have great admiration for the journalist and author Chris Hedges and would encourage anyone interested in these matters to read the text of this recent speech of his.


The Point with the Politicians in Europe is: they are using EVERY Reason - if reasonable or not - to forbid, to control, to spy, to repress, and to dismiss freedom, human rights, aso. Normaly, they call it "War against Terror" - but they love to take other reasons because no one is believing WaT anymore...

Eg. before the "Terrorists Attack" against Charlie Hebdo (which terrorist who planned an action looses it's passport on the crime scene, common....) , the European General Court (?? the uppes Court in the European Union) decided, that laws that allow investigations or surveillance (incl. listening to Data- and Phonetraffic) without a given suspicion is illegal. Countries like Germany and France were ordered to dismiss their surveillance-Programmes.

France didn't - they hat total Trafficcontrol. Charlie Hebdo still has been attacked.

NOW, France gets a grip at their laws, Germany wants to implement similar ones, both countries are enforcing European Union to rethink their Surveillance-Programm... All due to the terrorists - they could not found with Surveillance...

And now think what will happen, if you hand those politicans REAL reasons (Hoax or not) to deny something.

Eg. Germany: Police is wearing wearable Cameras to record all actions to proof "Policemen's innocent" - but DashCams were concidered illegal...

Eg. in Switzerland, EVERY reason is good enough to DENY VOTINGS! Especially when citizens shall be "thumb enough"...

Everyone who speaks up against that, is considered Nazi (over here: SEVERE insult with consequences alone of the insult), Terrorist or worse...

Long speak short:
If you think PatriotAct destroyed Freedom, Law&Order, and constitutional Rights in the States - check out what it did to the Rest of the World... :-/

Like Einstein said:
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

But that's exactly what Politicians all over the world are doing...

(I rest my OT-case ;-)
This thread is probably not the place to get into this subject in any depth....
I agree.

My original comment was directed, (kind of 'tongue in cheek') at the general ineptness of the governing bodies of the world and was not intended to morph into any sort of philosophical discussion. As much as I enjoy them this is not the forum.
I agree.

My original comment was directed, (kind of 'tongue in cheek') at the general ineptness of the governing bodies of the world and was not intended to morph into any sort of philosophical discussion. As much as I enjoy them this is not the forum.

It's a worthwhile subject. That's why I posted the link to the Chris Hedges piece. Perhaps if there's an interest we can start a new thread on the topic elsewhere in the "Off Topic forum?
It's a worthwhile subject. That's why I posted the link to the Chris Hedges piece. Perhaps if there's an interest we can start a new thread on the topic elsewhere in the "Off Topic forum?
As intriguing as that sounds it's probably best left for a different web site to host that. The folks here are generally pleasant and civil to one another and I'd hate to see that disrupted.

Political discussions (as well as religious) tend to be divisive, make adversaries of allies, and strain 'friendships'. Even if they were to take place in a separate thread I'm sure hurt feelings, bruised egos, and defense of challenged beliefs would carry over into the forums as a whole. Best to leave those subjects alone and limit discussions to the stated purpose of the site.
As intriguing as that sounds it's probably best left for a different web site to host that. The folks here are generally pleasant and civil to one another and I'd hate to see that disrupted.

Political discussions (as well as religious) tend to be divisive, make adversaries of allies, and strain 'friendships'. Even if they were to take place in a separate thread I'm sure hurt feelings, bruised egos, and defense of challenged beliefs would carry over into the forums as a whole. Best to leave those subjects alone and limit discussions to the stated purpose of the site.

Well said. I agree completely.

And while we're on the subject, and since this is the Pics that Make You Smile thread........

guy from the internet.png