Pics that make you smile

hehe i know that guy, i see him every day. :rolleyes:

Just found out that 98 % of all Danes feel safe, and i am like ?????? how the hell can you feel safe in this world & country.
Sure overall i feel safe too, dont expect to be stabbed tomorrow, but there is still lots of things to feel unsafe or apprehensive about here.

Allso in the past Denmark have been named one of the best countries to do business in, in part due to the "fact" things like bribes are not used here, but that have just been refudiated by the 30 or so ppl arrested for that, and among those politicians and allso policemen. :oops::(

A professor said, bribes are pretty common in Denmark, they are just little ones, And i at once think "like that matter, and so the jump from a little bribe to a large one is none existing".
Prize fixing sure as hell is not uncommon here, i have known that for decades.

The thing that make me feel most unsafe at the moment is where many Danes will put ther X in the election in 2 weeks :eek:
The thing that make me feel most unsafe at the moment is where many Danes will put ther X in the election in 2 weeks :eek:

that's a worry in most countries I think, in Australia people don't vote for who they like the most, they vote for who they hate the least
Yeah, the "Election-Problem" will become iminent in Autom in Switzerland... Funny. Almost all people who have not forgot how to think fear elections nowadays more than terror itself... But I'm getting political again...


(must be someone in the european union due to the smallchange there)

that's a worry in most countries I think, in Australia people don't vote for who they like the most, they vote for who they hate the least
Yep, if you have to pick something or someone - pick the least evil of the choices. :(
That change actually look like Danish coins, we have the small 0.25 and 0.50 Kronor coins in cupper, and the shiny silver like ones all with holes on them ( 1-2-5 kronor ) and the 2 large coins 10 and 20 kronor which is gold like in color and have no holes )
All mentioned in relation to size ( small -> large size )

Due to the amount of stupid in that picture i am willing to bet a broken USB charger thats from a Danish car.
@kamkar1 Never put off till tomorrow a (stabbing ) you can do today :p Hi to you Still at the hospital I sleep there now At long last Monique is showing signs of recovery but it is a long slow battle 9 weeks now and at least two to three weeks to go 4 operations to date. ..Ipol
that's a worry in most countries I think, in Australia people don't vote for who they like the most, they vote for who they hate the least

Yep, if you have to pick something or someone - pick the least evil of the choices. :(

Choosing which candidate to vote for in Presidential election cycles in my country can be like trying to decide which Menendez brother you like the best! :confused: (two young brothers who shotgun murdered their wealthy parents)
We have a lot more than 2 choices here ( 10 or 12 ) but truth be told we dont, we have left wing with the social demokrats and ther like, and the right wing with conservatives and so on. ( red and blue camps as they are called here )
We even have the centrum demokrats, but ther way is not the best of either side thats for sure :p

Just goes to proof its not allways a matter of having lots to choose from.
I guess we have something like that too with our primary election process which narrows the field of candidates before an election for office but in the end we get basically two main choices for President.
The biggest problem with most government officials, elected or otherwise, is they are more concerned about keeping their job instead of doing their job. :(:mad:

Edit: corrected spelling.
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As the Dire straits lyrics go " money for nothing,,, chiks for free"

True, especially when you consider how much they get paid versus how much they actually accomplish. :(

Sadly, they seem to accomplish plenty when it comes to working for the needs of the special interest groups who contribute to their campaign coffers. :mad:
The last USA presidential candidate I thought should have the job was Ronald Reagan. He sounded like the right man for the job. When his vice president george Bush ran most people thought he would follow in Reagan's shoes. They were hoping more more Reagan not Bush himself. I keep wishing I could find a good candidate that I really felt was worth voting for. John McCain had more people who like his VP Sarah Palin that really liked him.