Pics that make you smile

Surfs up dude !

As the old nike commersial say " just do it"

A proud supporter since 1980.
Surfs up dude !

As the old nike commersial say " just do it"

A proud supporter since 1980.
"Authority" of what ? [emoji23]
Captured this sign today outside a local church. Pay no attention to date, haven't changed it for a while. Anyway, since I don't have either, I'll skip attendance. Edit: OK I have a car.
hehe you missed dude :p but nice try.
Some one should add a poster below, saying its proberly allso illigal to put posters on these poles :D
Smiling CUZ the WTF factor is off the wall :eek:

Well as the Germans say. Ordnung muß sein. "order must prevail "

See i had to google that as i dont have the German "double S" looking B letter :p

The Esszett (double S) is only used in Germany... All other Countries having German as Language (Austria, Luxembourg, Parts of Belgium, Switzerland, Lichtenstein), just write "two s" - like "Ordnung muss sein"... As an Alternative, you can use old ASCII-Code Alt-225 for ß :)

and this is something for summer (when it should get summer this year, of course):

Maybe the Germans will change that like we spineless Danes have "dropped" our 3 unique letters ÆØÅ-æøå

My old home town is now Aarhus, but to me it will allways be Århus.
Somebody suggested that they should have clamped it :D

And can you just visualise it being towed.
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hehe Nice "fro" Morgan :)
Thats allmost all the tools i had to keep a entire floating crab factory / processing plant running the #2 i sailed as a engineer :rolleyes:

Talk about a company that thrived on inkompetence, but i guess thats why i was upped in 1 month from sailor to engineer :p

BUT ! 3 months later when i left it was still running by the grace of god and me working 16-18 houres more or less every day.