Pics that make you smile

hehe yeah that drive better be a short one, made at moderate speed.

I have burned my fingers a couple of times dooing simmilar things, IE thinking im all that, and then shortly after my stick arms failed :rolleyes:

Might allso be a factor as to why my body feel as if its 60 or more at times.
Aaa yes chilli night.

We had some nasty chilli on friday, seller advised against eating them as they are only ment to soak a little and then be taken out of the dish.
Seller was not kidding, it took 3 seasoned chillieaters to eat 1 chilli, and i even left out a little of my pice .

PS. allways been wondering how a bag pipe will sound if it was powered by helium :p
...PS. allways been wondering how a bag pipe will sound if it was powered by helium :p
Worse than it does powered by air? :eek:
hehe yeah i am thinking pipes of imminent death :D

I think what we was tooting over here in the good old days sounded a little less scary.
But i think back then we dident need scary tones to "frack" out our enemies, as soon as ppl saw us comming or our ships in the distance ppl was running. ( for good reasons )


PS. allways been wondering how a bag pipe will sound if it was powered by helium :p
You would suffocate before you had filled the bag!

But the Hamster did try it with a wind orchestra, which didn't go too well: