Pics that make you smile

I thought posting pictures regarding a political statement was to be forbidden.
Or do you feel it is ok to post them as long as they fit your political agenda?

It's hard to believe that you are really still at this! Then again, I have to remember who we are dealing with.

And I'm very sorry to see you think a satirical cartoon about oil companies like BP portraying themselves as victims after a causing a major spill is a "political" statement. Apparently, you are in favor of trashing the environment.
I thought posting pictures regarding a political statement was to be forbidden.
I think the absurdity of North Korea transcends politics.


I will offer one observation. People in power who appear to be ignorant/stupid/childish/mad, might in fact know exactly what they are doing, be smarter than we think, and be doing exactly what they need to get what they want. Underestimate them at your peril.
It's all too easy for things to get misinterpreted on the internet and I think we have an example of that going on here, in both directions. No offense intended and no offense taken...
(y) Compounded, I'm sure, by my sinus infection that makes the right side of my face feel about twice the size as the left and pressure enough that I suspect my right eye will launch itself across the room any minute now. :eek::D
(y) Compounded, I'm sure, by my sinus infection that makes the right side of my face feel about twice the size as the left and pressure enough that I suspect my right eye will launch itself across the room any minute now. :eek::D

Hope you feel better soon and experience a speedy recovery. :)
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Today celebs dont even do that in spite of email and copy/paste :rolleyes: