Pics that make you smile

Yeah not least the love of eating meat kill me off.

The time ( 1730 ) when 362 of then died to stop the maharajas people from chopping down / taking a tree are awesome, just imaging standing up in front of a guy with a axe and say no ! unarmed and with no aggression and then get cut down as number 300 in line.
Not too often you find that level of resistance against something by unarmed people.

"Funny" how some religions most of them peaceful at their core suddenly turn violent and bloody, and yet other never go down that route.
Is this story as true as are stories in the bible?
Which comes first, the name or it's reputation?
But it's just arbitrary data correlated with other arbitrary data. Nothing is "proved" or even alleged to be proved.
:confused: You obviously missed the 'smiley' at the end of my comment - and the fact the the word 'proved' was emphasized as being out of place, which should be enough to indicate it was a tongue in cheek comment not intended to be taken seriously. :rolleyes:
I wish my name was myon, cuz then i would be inside all of you right now :)

EDIT: I mean just passing thru, as that's the kid of guy i am
Thanks for the link. I fall short on a number of the 29 tenets

Only a few? You need to try harder if you're going to keep up with me :p
Seriously though, people like that can't have much fun in life and I'm not going to give up fun to live by someone else's rules :rolleyes:
They can have my fun when they pry it out of my cold dead fingers :ROFLMAO:

He's my favorite comedian :p

:confused: You obviously missed the 'smiley' at the end of my comment - and the fact the the word 'proved' was emphasized as being out of place, which should be enough to indicate it was a tongue in cheek comment not intended to be taken seriously. :rolleyes:

Nothing was "proved" or even alleged to be proved. :meh:;)
Nothing was "proved" or even alleged to be proved. :meh:;)
I have absolutely no idea where you are attempting to go with this so I'm not going to expend any more energy trying to figure it out.
If we are in quote mode then let me drop this one.

The world will not be destroyed by those that do evil, but by those that watch them and do nothing.

Albert Einstein.
I have absolutely no idea where you are attempting to go with this so I'm not going to expend any more energy trying to figure it out.

It's all too easy for things to get misinterpreted on the internet and I think we have an example of that going on here, in both directions. No offense intended and no offense taken and I pledge to study up on my Emoji interpreting in future. Let's drop it and move on, OK?:)...............And, it was all @kamkar1's fault anyway, as usual.:D:D