Pics that make you smile

This was gaming when daddy or grandpa was young.

Pong turn 45 today.
So pong is 6 years older than I am.

A few weeks ago I dug out an old Atari controller that hooks straight to the TV and has like 8 games built in. Let my 8 year old daughter play it. She said the graphics in Asteroids was terrible. But she played missile command for almost an hour. :P
I remember Pong when it first hit the local Tech college here, it was in the lunchroom. It was the full-size original table version at $0.25 per game and students were spending their lunch money to play. And I'm much older than Pong :p

Missile Command still rocks! And ironically it seems weirdly timely again. :(

I once worked for SAC (Strategic Air Command), you know, the guys with the nukes -- anyway, among the arcade games on base was, yes, you guessed it, Missile Command!).

O i remember SAC or sack as we Danes said, kinda hard to get around when you grew up back then.
Gone camping :eek:


To be honest i like it (y)
I am wondering if those emptied out engines on the camper, that might be the perfect place to have your gas powered BBQ installed, so you can do meats in one and the other stuff or more meat in the other :)
Just goes to show how you can use statistics to 'prove' anything. :)
Gone camping :eek:


To be honest i like it (y)
Nice but needs folding wings like aircraft carriers, would be a good place for water tanks.
That would bring water tanks up high, the opposite of where they are in all campers due to the COG
Once upon a time in the

And there are people out there that will have no problems fitting a round peg in a square hole, or vice versa.

Some times i amaze myself with what i find funny, cuz thinking just a little bit then suddenly its not so fun.