Pics that make you smile

I wish i could burn thru money like elon do, that guy got some next level sh,,,, stuff going on :cool:
Dident they ( the Americans ) make a nuclear car too ?

I like where Jay tell about the time he rode his jet bike and melted the front of a car behind him :D

Just go to prove, it is indeed good to be rich
they're a bit late to the party

Turbine engines are NOT rockets.

And if you thought turbines weren't very fuel efficient, have you ever looked up the specs on rockets? Hundreds of thousands of pounds of fuel just to go a couple hundred miles (straight up)? :p
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I like the recent news of the flat earth nutter that was planning on launching himself in a home made rocket better, I'm sure Elon will be wanting to collaborate with him very soon :D
Flat earthers need to go to the seashore. You can see curvature over the ocean.

Maybe they could be satisfied by looking at shipping manifests? That would show how a ROUND trip is taken on earth.
I'm sure more than a few of the flat earth nuts are just attention seekers
Sadly it's only a few. I've spoken to a few and they were all very serious about their beliefs and in total denial of any evidence to the contrary.
O Sh.. its even a Ford :eek: :)

I do love the fluid lines in American design from the jet/space / chrome age (y) so as you might guess a lamborghini countach make me react in a negative manner.
Just like any other "lego" car or jet plane, maybe also why i prefer Russian Fighter planes over some American planes from a design standpoint.
Sure you might not be able to see it on a radar, but it make my diaphragm jump.

The right kind of shapes and i get almost ex static and get a big urge to touch and feel the shapes like a blind person would.
But i am the kind of person that can get excited about a unconventional hinge or some little thing like that.

For instance the Pagani Huayra, overall i am not too happy about it, but looking close at some of the smaller details i can get really exited.
O Sh.. its even a Ford :eek: :)

I do love the fluid lines in American design from the jet/space / chrome age (y) so as you might guess a lamborghini countach make me react in a negative manner.
Just like any other "lego" car or jet plane, maybe also why i prefer Russian Fighter planes over some American planes from a design standpoint.
Sure you might not be able to see it on a radar, but it make my diaphragm jump.

The right kind of shapes and i get almost ex static and get a big urge to touch and feel the shapes like a blind person would.
But i am the kind of person that can get excited about a unconventional hinge or some little thing like that.

For instance the Pagani Huayra, overall i am not too happy about it, but looking close at some of the smaller details i can get really exited.

Speaking of jet/space design aesthetics, one version of the Nucleon had enormous fins.

It doesn't look practical as there's no room for the kids. But of course you probably wouldn't be able to have any with that much radiation so close to you :eek: Hmmmm, maybe it's a good idea for today though- a sure cure to overpopulation :ROFLMAO:

And at former crash sites you would not need street lighting, the asphalt will glow at night :D

I seem to recall a nuke car being driven on a test track for a long time, but maybe that's just BS, its only up until recently we Euro boys have become truly in touch with the US, before that everything was filtered thru media, and we all know what that to to facts.
"Its passenger area was situated quite close to the front of the chassis, extending beyond the front axle. This arrangement was meant to distance the passengers from the atomic pile in the rear, and to provide maximum axle support to the heavy equipment and its attendant shielding. Another practical design aspect was the addition of air intakes at the leading edge of the roof and at the base of the roof supports, apparently to be used as part of the reactor’s cooling system."
Hey, let's not forget this addition to the nuclear fleet...
