Pics that make you smile

can't wait to see this launch!


Apparently Musk wasn't joking about putting his personal Tesla Roadster on top of the falcon heavy as a dummy payload.

looks so tiny inside that big fairing, but really puts things into scale to show what it could launch.


more pics here:

i hope they have cameras on the 2nd stage to show the "payload" in orbit after fairing separation.
I see a little "thou shall not pass" attitude there :)
A LOT i would assume :)
I cant even remember my last hug, but its so long ago that not doubt it would feel quite awkward for me if i got one today.
But good thing is if i get the chance to do something for someone else, i get the same feeling ( i think ) from that.

The level of physical contact i see people display today do freak me out, hell i even see guys hug each other :eek: if i did that to my friend he would slap me silly.
What is the truth about The Man?
Mio italiano,,,,,, are lacking cara mia.
My wallet are like the Large Hadron Collider, everything i put in it get turned into something that's so small its next to nothing, and then a split second later its gone.
My wallet are like the Large Hadron Collider, everything i put in it get turned into something that's so small its next to nothing, and then a split second later its gone.
Same like my sex life:D