Pics that make you smile

Or maybe the sign got hacked, security of things like this are often shockingly low.
I have been thinking on taking a closer look at the LED billboards, if they just insert a new SD card with new text and pictures in it, then you just have to unlock something and put in a new SD card.
Some may be on a internet connection too, but i think maybe BT or WIFI are cheaper, so a guy just have to drive around with a laptop and upload new commercials to the ign.

Could potentially be extremely fun if you ask me. :D
Hey you in the #3 lane, get that thing back in the pants.

Cats, unlike dogs, know the meaning of the word "cool" and it pains them when they don't look it!

You often hear cool cat, but you dont hear cool dog, maybe hot dog but that's also it.
The poor guy never saw it coming....

I don't know what happened after the impact, but @ 8oKPH I presume the guy was at least out for a few moments. Just to be sure, if he went down forgood, then please take a moment of silence to remember him, I did.

I've had that happen a few times. One time I stopped a couple hundred miles later to discover the dead bird stuck in my grill. Sucks...

I've had that happen a few times. One time I stopped a couple hundred miles later to discover the dead bird stuck in my grill. Sucks...


We went on vacation in Sweden many years ago , and just before the ferry some bird smashed one of my headlights completely.... Continuing the trip with a kaputt headlight is a big nono in Germany AND Sweden.... So we rushed to the closest dealership, and made our way to the ferry, again in a rush.... Just in time, couldn't have a minute spared.... Stupid birds.....hahaha
Is this pic funny because he do it like that or because most western men can't:)
Well now !
There is a computer build :) that i am sure will roll over pretty well on my computer table, and even with this "special" case design i can easy fit it on top of the desk or hang it below it to one side.
A lifetime old Danish music ( 1982 ) to the people on the hot side of the earth.
Anyway happiest new year, Even if too soon, happy new even if too soon. Happy new year even even if to soon. Get back back when to when to you when I'm sober
:-) gnight guys

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