Pics that make you smile


The poor guy never saw it coming....

I don't know what happened after the impact, but @ 8oKPH I presume the guy was at least out for a few moments. Just to be sure, if he went down forgood, then please take a moment of silence to remember him, I did.

My wife got me these wolverine style meat shredders. Should be great for making pulled pork or chopped beef for sandwiches... Just have to be careful they don't turn into knuckle sandwiches!

Apparently Musk wasn't joking about putting his personal Tesla Roadster on top of the falcon heavy as a dummy payload.

Seem like he have room to launch several roadsters if he wanted to, plenty of room inside that fairing. :eek:
If he need more stuff to launch i have my old 22" CRT screen sitting here on the living room floor.

And its not a weight issue, the falcon heavy can handle 16,800 kg (37,000 lb ) for a Mars shot and 63,800 kg (140,700 lb) for Low Earth Orbit.
There should have been just a little hint of a fruit company product behind all those cable ties, that would have made it even more agonizing for sister. :D
WHAT !!!!! now they are taking the best part of driving away. :cautious: