Pics that make you smile

I saw the remastered version of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, the day before yesterday.

Hard to believe that movie are just as old as i am :eek:

Still i look better today than Clint Eastwood did back then :D

Do you feel lucky,,,,,, well do you,,, punk

Haha i am probably the kind of guy, that had i been American i would now have a hole in my phone and my hand :LOL:
And a single youtube video with 24 million hits
Clearly they were thinking how i draw a pregnant woman and not to confuse that to just ordinary fat people:)
They've already got the kid a smartphone :ROFLMAO:

Pot bellied with growling tummy.:giggle:

Wearing a kilt it seem.

Did you know the word kilt are actually coming from Denmark, and the word tartan well that's from France.

Anyway the Scots are brave people indeed, going to war wearing a skirt, not every man can pull that off.
This was probably psychological warfare. The scots realized the enemy could not shoot as straight when they were laughing at men wearing dresses. This is doubly true when you add in the wailing from bagpipes.

Wearing a kilt it seem.

Did you know the word kilt are actually coming from Denmark, and the word tartan well that's from France.

Anyway the Scots are brave people indeed, going to war wearing a skirt, not every man can pull that off.
On D day there was a bag piper walking up and down the beach while playing, the German snipers said we dident shoot him as we taught he was crazy.

Mad or not / wearing a dress or not, that's one bad ass MOFO i would like to shake the hands off :cool:

While i would be honored to shake the hand of every man coming ashore down there, the guys that went in first and established that beachhead, they are all on the top tier of people i have the utmost respect for.
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