Pics that make you smile

When laws force people to lie about, or withold, basic facts, that society's system is on the way out and will be replaced by something else within a few generations. It's a pattern that's been repeated untold times before.
Just heard from daycarecenter friend that they cannot call "boys" or "girls" anymore, they must use everybodys name separately when calling a bunch of children.
She told also that they have one child age 5 that they cannot call a boy or a girl because *it* hasn't yet decided whether he is he or will she be she - pure madness.
What do you do when you can't remember their name? I'm crap at remembering names. I only have 2 kids and I still mix up their names sometimes, esp when I'm mad at them.
What do you do when you can't remember their name? I'm crap at remembering names. I only have 2 kids and I still mix up their names sometimes, esp when I'm mad at them.

I have colleagues that I work with for years and I still don't know their names..... We get along great, "morning" - "morning", "coffee?" - "yeah, great thanks".... So, what's in a name eh.... Hahaha
"Danish" pimp my ride circa year 0






The spoils of conquest / war i assume, made to order unlikely to me, though we traaded far and wide already by then, with our main export goods being amber.
Hehe i did not know that, so chalk one up for learning :cool:

I guess the winters was even longer and darker and colder in Sweden back then, so that's one way to keep warm while the hubby are out clubbing a moose.
Well we can rule out the Americans, their nation are far too young in this game.

I am inclined to say the Italians :)
Wasent there a Emperor named Biggus dickus who ruled Rome while seated with a big smile.
Some said he plaied the lyre as Rome burned down, but we all know what he was doing and why Rome caught fire ;)

I seem to recall it was the Greeks that came up with the condom.
Are you sure its not just symbols, the Japanese have the kanemara matsuri
And Hadarka matsuri
Well you never know what go on behind the rice paper walls when the guys get home, maybe ancient Japan will be a popular destination when we get time machines to work.
Japanese are one of my favorite languages for swearing, nothing better than a angry Shogun barking out orders