Pics that make you smile

These came from a restaurant that closed several years back.
The silhouette was on the side of the building.


Haha i will never be familiar with that problem, cuz i would never own a car like that, my dream car would just crush the curb, unless that curb are more than a foot tall, but then i wouldn't cry cuz my weel might get scratched a little, but its okay its man Steel wheels and not boy ALU wheels.

I do some times look at things i cant afford on the computer, and sadly now that's pretty small mundane things.
Cars are rarely among those things, if i won 4 mill or so in lotto i would still be driving the Suzuki, but i will then spalsh some money on a little house and have a little savings for a rainy day.
Maybe go visit a few internet friends and get some fresh air.
Nyquill - Nyquill - Nyquill we love you, you giant fawking Q ( "Dennis Leary" No cure for Cancer )
Well, an energy drink is an energy drink, after all!

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