Pics that make you smile

Girl power,,,,,, literally.

Seem like there are no need for me trying to remember where my sticks are, better just leave them there.
As a joke this could be funny:eek:
Fantastic! I can just see how those conversations over where to meet goes. :D
There are people in this world whose mission is to find any reason to act 'butt-hurt' that they can find. Let them stay stuck there and move forward yourself :cool:
When you denigrate only people different than you it's called prejudice. When you advocate only people like you it's called support. They are both the same thingo_O So consider the source and then you'll see much more clearly what is going on and who may be in the wrong. In this pic I see 2 kids and I wonder why they're not smiling. There's not much more to see than that ;)

That deer remind me of a curse " may your groin be itchy and your arms too short"