Pics that make you smile

At least its better than the Koala nailed to a pole :eek:

If you find the person but cant deal with him,send him up here and i will take care of it.




At least my Country are the kind of Sh..hole trump would nuke,,,,, guess that count for something as nukes are not cheap. :giggle:
What if he was
It wouldn't surprise me if the majority of hipsters was on I phones, why i dont know :sneaky: to me no one should be on them before they change their modus operandi, just like a great number of services people use.

Google make me more and more :mad: by the day, and by now its only my own laziness that keep me from delete every connection i have created to them, and ask them to hand over their information ( to see what they got ) and then delete it.
But at least i am fortunate google are the only company i have that relationship with, and sure many other mine my personal info too with their cookies and i would like those to stop too, but at least i dont have those silly social pimping my personal info out.