Pics that make you smile

PS. NOT female driver.
That was just added as thats the go to comment for many, i personally dont rank females as worse drivers or anything else based on ther gender.

I might some times think women is a little too carefull drivers, and my dear old mother which never put a dent in a car must be better than me on that front as i have dented 2 of my cars, but then again she once got a speeding ticket, and i have never gotten one of those ( the latter beeing a matter of luck and not me driving slow )

The person ( gender unknown to me so far ) driving the yellow car is still out there as far as i can tell from english news ( this is in Scotland )
If the person is on somthing, it have to be somthing making ppl stupid as he return to the same spot, but i assume he drove off again since i cant find anything about the person getting arrested.

You should see my friend trying to reverse with a trailer behind a car, its like watching a slow motion disaster unfold, and he is a male elite drive ( acording to his insurance company )
But reversing with a trailer sure isent his thing ;)
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Not drunk ?
It sure look like the booze driving, but then again there is other drugs, and he might allso just be a senile old guy like my friends father who should have had his licence revoked at least a decade ago.
My friends father is now a so poor driver he can no longer get his car into #2 gear, and still he drive every day, not much but he is out on public roads every day.
And if he need to make a EMG stop he is not able to do so due to 2 busted knees that can just barely keep him upright with the help of a cane.
Having read several accounts of this incident, the driver was male, and there are no reports that he was drunk.

Well, I did use the word "appears" for a reason. Whatever the truth of the matter, whether chemically induced or a natural state, the driver "appears" to be impaired.

It wasn't the point of my post, at any rate.

And @kamkar1 made clear in his post that the driver was male but thanks for pointing it out again anyway.
Maybe I should also point out that you specifically said drunk, and what was your point anyway?
Gentlemen,,,,,,,, inhale,,,,,,,,,,,,exhale :)
balls! women are bad/worse/ hardly drivers in majority, compared to males
bite me!
balls! women are bad/worse/ hardly drivers in majority, compared to males
bite me!

This kind of idiotic remark (and kamkars too) are exactly the reason so few female members on DCT are willing to identify themselves as such or engage in many of the threads.

This kind of idiotic remark (and kamkars too) are exactly the reason so few female members on DCT are willing to identify themselves as such or engage in many of the threads.
What is your stance about "non" ( or changed) gender drivers? or sexual or religion difference prioritising ones?

What is your stance about "non" ( or changed) gender drivers? or sexual or religion difference prioritising ones?

I think DashCamTalk is not the place to discuss them.

And I 'spose if you invite someone to bite you, you just might end up crying "Ouch"!
ouch, ouch... squil, squil

based on that, would admittedly pig of a man manners drivers should be seen as equal driver's or camera and road users?
ouch, ouch... squil, squil

based on that, would admittedly pig of a man manners drivers should be seen as equal driver's or camera and road users?

Say What? I have no clue what you are trying to express with that sentence, if it can legitimately be called a sentence.
yes it can be!
bad mannered and openly admitting so, terribly critical (some would say pig of a man) passes his stereotype in relation to even worse kind (generalising) of a drivers.
should it be permitted or opinions should be quashed on a basis of (anti)equality and tolerance?
yes it can be!
bad mannered and openly admitting so, terribly critical (some would say pig of a man) passes his stereotype in relation to even worse kind (generalising) of a drivers.
should it be permitted or opinions should be quashed on a basis of (anti)equality and tolerance?

I think that a person's gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religious beliefs have nothing whatsoever to do with their driving skills or road manners.
Stereotyping, generalizing, prejudice, bigotry and misogyny simply don't belong here on DCT.

Other than that I suppose everything else is fair game and if you wish to behave like a bad mannered, overly critical pig of a man, I guess that's your privilege.
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BTW, I don't suppose @kamakar1 liked that I took issue with his stereotypical comments about women allegedly having poor driving skills that I personally viewed as misogynistic but he replied with a civil, good faith effort to explain himself with no rancor or ill-will and moved on from there. I think he deserves credit for that and I would like to thank him for it.

That was just added as thats the go to comment for many, i personally dont rank females as worse drivers or anything else based on ther gender.

I might some times think women is a little too carefull drivers, and my dear old mother which never put a dent in a car must be better than me on that front as i have dented 2 of my cars, but then again she once got a speeding ticket, and i have never gotten one of those ( the latter beeing a matter of luck and not me driving slow )

The person ( gender unknown to me so far ) driving the yellow car is still out there as far as i can tell from english news ( this is in Scotland )
If the person is on somthing, it have to be somthing making ppl stupid as he return to the same spot, but i assume he drove off again since i cant find anything about the person getting arrested.

You should see my friend trying to reverse with a trailer behind a car, its like watching a slow motion disaster unfold, and he is a male elite drive ( acording to his insurance company )
But reversing with a trailer sure isent his thing ;)
Go girl, one righteous road, none could slip off of. ;)
Based on few rants, but sad truths, easy to see as why misconceptions happens and sometimes those are correct!.
Personally hate "slow go" most dangerous OAP's on Sunday roads, that do cause more irrational dangers in traffic, than (perceived) worst, absolutely inexperienced youngsters, to whom cars are more than they are as people.
And we've come to the point of (majority) as in my family relation female drivers. Regardless of years experience- spacial awareness is still an issue when parking, but coincidentally opinion about ownselves driving skills is as high as in few posts lately... all, but parking... :D