Pics that make you smile

" If we don't have it, you don't want it! " :)
oh those....chinese arms dealer...they are good at doing fakes :)
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Images are really fun loving . Specially the dog one . I have some good collection with me. I hope all you like it .


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If he was lucky all that would happen is he would be arrested and thrown in jail...

Which is appropriate for someone being a total 'arse' and looking to create an incident. (Why else would he have someone else following and videoing?)
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If he was lucky all that would happen is he would be arrested and thrown in jail...

Which is appropriate for someone being a total 'arse' and looking to create an incident. (Why else would he have someone else following and videoing?)
Agree, like it or not, in the US there may have been a totally different outcome for this moron!

Damn..... Would have been perfect... His Car in a Carport, Missile-Balloon hidden over the Roof, he driving off, seeing missile - me filming it... ;-)

Damn..... Would have been perfect... His Car in a Carport, Missile-Balloon hidden over the Roof, he driving off, seeing missile - me filming it... ;-)

Hah! That would have been great! I'll bet if they were really available lots of people would do things like that. In fact, I'll bet there are a lot of amusing balloon design "ideas" that could chase cars. :D
Looks like the guy who painted that heli parking spot dident get paid much, looks like the H is far from the middle of it
About freaking time :cool:

I will be heat testing some dashcams and my new PSU next weekend.


Text of last Pic should read "That Moment when you realize that your car has been mistaken as trash can" (looks like that halfcar from VW, what is it called? "ow"? Something with two letters) ;)

Yeah the Weather will be terrible... But funny: Swiss, German and Austrian Weather-Reports are saying NOTHING 'bout rain... Just had a discussion with neighbor (yes the one I wanted to make a ballon-present ;) about the mistake... (during army, I had to do with weather-reports), seing satelite-pictures I went for "what? dry air from mediterran sea and africa?? thats gonna be wet air from atlantic mixed with hot air"

Thanks for confirming my "report" :)