Pics that make you smile

The weathe gurus here say this comming weather come from the south, but maybe it creep up along the channel coast from Spain.

This is allso TV2 weather, the national weather gurus DMI only have temperatures going just over 25.

I do hope those 25 - 30 degree temperatures keep going for some weeks, its just the stuff i need beside that damm job that keep eluding me.
Now thats a letter more of us should write, i have not done so but there is quite a fjew companies i bypass for the same reason.
And creative navigation in the tax jungle is just another proof that there is somthing wrong with the ppl we vote on, or rather in my case other vote on cuz i am done voting untill a sensible person / party come by.
I agree - the first "initiative" i've seen taking those into responsibility who actually evade taxes...

I eg. stopped purchasing at amazon - as they do exactly the same. AND due to tax-evaders, I, as swiss citizen, have no longer any privacy or dataprotection in financial belongings, as Switzerland has been made responsible for those, who use other countries laws to evade taxes...

Those sort of letters should be far more publicly recongnised - they deserve it! They're the only solution!
...apparantly, the Firefighters in Erkrath Germany have a slight Problem with new aspirants. So they decided to make a special advertisment... Well... They thougt about something very special...


(they should be red, not pink... Pink shall raise Interest in the work of the Firefighters... But think about those poor Firefighters who not only have to drive an Iveco (don't like that brand, nothing like Scania (acc.Firetrucks - others: nothing like Saurer)!) - they have to drive in an PINK Iveco... I can hear jokes like "there are the hot guys, sprinkle at the fire all togehter" ;)

At least that looks promising - a Firetruck made of Beer-Cases:

In German, one would say "Bullen jagen ein paar Kühe durch die Gegend" as Bulls refer to Police-Officers and "Cow" is also used to describe semi-intelligent/offending women, so: "some Bulls chase some cows":

But everytime I see such things, I'm always reminded of this:

...maybe a Dashcam might have helped ;)
There is allways a price to pay for beeing a smartass, if you are lucky its just a monetary price, but by far blood is the most common thing to give up.

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I allways been feeling like this 3 guys.

Dashcam makers take notes.
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I wonder what Bill Harley and Art Davidson would think of what their brand started?




Biker Chicks



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There is a high chance that truck is litterally a rat rod :D

In respons to those nice old Harleys, a little later we had our own over here and that was the Nimbus bikes.

In responce to the biker gangs, if riding a bike is so cool why do these guys allways look like they just took a bite of a lemon.
I would need a fully suspended bike, and the Nimbusses have that, even back in 1920.

10 BHP

18/22 BHP


If i had the licence to do it and the money i would tour the states on a Nimbus, should make it even easier to strike up a conversation with the locals.
The real life event button so to speak.

Funny even without beeing able to read russian :D
