Pics that make you smile

Wisdom there. I wish my teachers at school had been a bit more honest, and taught me that lesson. I completely fell for the "work hard and you'll do well" line, and by the time you realise the truth it's too late.

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It is funny how things work out, and how different people are.

Ask most kids what do you want to be when you get old, and they will have a myriad of things they want to be.
Me personally i have never been able to come up with just 1 thing i wanted to be, and i can assure you all the educations i have had and the jobs i have worked have all been by chance and not due to some aspiration of mine.
Of course when i have been in whatever education or job i always wanted to be the best i can be with that, its not like i just wanted to be some douche just sliding by just below the radar.

Same with my current car, i am just fine with it, many however would not even see their wife ( they dont like ) drive a car like mine, and sure as hell not their kids.
Dont get me wrong i totally know what my little car are, and how many much better cars are out there, but for me right now it is just fine, but if i strike it big in the lottery,,, sure it will have to go.
But if i was that lucky then i am still strange, cuz the cars every other guy that strike it big in lotto or work / investment will buy, well that's not even cars i would contemplate to buy for a daily driver.

To me Lambos have become more and more ugly since the LP 500, and the new ones just dont do it for me at all, and its the same with that other Italian sports car brand.
A AMG Mercedes sort of sound good, at least the old ones sounded good, but i would be apprehensive about a thing like that, and i fear my driving license wouldn't last long.
And i am sure just like many BMW and Audi drivers, when i get behind the wheel of such a car, the stupid in me would just lounge forth and make me join the stupid brigade, and i really do not want to go back there, atttaining the rank of Major in my younger days was plenty.

So maybe some little fun fast car for track days ( in my new country cuz we dont have that here ) and then something substantial and slow for DD.
Saw this video but then spotted something wrong when read in English:

^^ I want one of those 1957 ChevroVeeDub's. Love the high mount brake light. :)
apparently there is a few of these, delivery vehicles for some pizza chain
Kewl!!! I'll wager they are a bit 'tail' heavy though. :D
The beetle are neat, but the color scheme are pretty provoking.
I can do with some of the pastel colors, but that one just go over the top.

I actually did plan to put wings ala the 57 bel air on my Volvo 121 back in the day,,,, just go to prove i was spiraling into a deep hole filled with stupid at the time. vehicles for some pizza chain
Just noticed - it must not be very good pizza given that it looks like a drive-thru for a KFC store. :oops::D