Pics that make you smile

Too late for me now as its MAR 11 and have been for 27 minutes, and besides i better head to bed its been another one of those 38 hour days.

But at least we gave my friends bedroom and living room 2 coats of white today, now i just pray it will only need one more coat to be good to go.
It cant be said enough,,,,,,,,, RTFM

My role model when it come to being a uncle. ( Uncle Buck )


No telling who would be the role model if i was a father myself, but i am sort of happy that never happened.
Yep same here.
I dont get bottle water can sell at all in Denmark, sure there are small taste differences in the tab water all over the country mostely due to level of calsium i think, but no place Danish water taste so bad you cant drink it.
The reason bottle water do sell here, i put down to my fellow countrymen going more and more insane.
My role model when it come to being a uncle. ( Uncle Buck )


No telling who would be the role model if i was a father myself, but i am sort of happy that never happened.
We call my brother Uncle Buck. We do expect him to do a lot of the same stuff as John Candy, with our kids.
Hehe it is always good with a little outside help ( i am told )
I am also told by my little sister that she wish her kids had the same respect for her as they have for their uncle.
I also have a sneaky feeling being the guy on the outside are a much easier job all together.
My role model when it come to being a uncle. ( Uncle Buck )


No telling who would be the role model if i was a father myself, but i am sort of happy that never happened.

John Candy was one of my favorites -- a funny guy, a very good actor, and a great human being.

Aint she the cutest little thing you ever seen :cool:


Randy will know.
Why didn't they just use 2 guitars?
Why didn't they just use 2 guitars?

well the truly impressive part for me was that at times, they were plucking the strings for what the OTHER person was doing on the neck.

But most times they do use two guitars:

Well this is not a lapdance but pretty close:p

They're married (to each other), and i think it's especially nice to see a married couple really enjoying themselves doing something like this together.

I originally found them from this clip of the same song, in a much less formal setting. The looks they give each other...

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