Pics that make you smile

I wish they could come up with something smarter than piston return springs, just like push rods its sooooo yesterday.
Blasting caps are too expensive over here, and i have heard the automatic reloading system are prone to failures. :giggle: something about a stovepipe.
Personally I prefer using small explosions to return my pistons to bottom dead center. Well, at least half the time, anyway...

Strictly speaking it's not an explosion -- it's rapid combustion. An actual explosion would damage the engine. And it's not half the time its a quarter (4-stroke). There are, of course, some 2-stroke diesel engines and 2-strokes seem to be making a bit of a comeback for off-road vehicles, but most of the engines are 4-stroke.

Strictly speaking it's not an explosion -- it's rapid combustion. An actual explosion would damage the engine. And it's not half the time its a quarter (4-stroke). There are, of course, some 2-stroke diesel engines and 2-strokes seem to be making a bit of a comeback for off-road vehicles, but most of the engines are 4-stroke.

No, it is half the time. Because it is only at TDC during 2 of the 4 strokes, so it only returns to bottom by force of combustion half of the time. The other half it's being forced down by the piston return spring ;)

Edit: also relevant:
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No, it is half the time. Because it is only at TDC during 2 of the 4 strokes, so it only returns to bottom by force of combustion half of the time. The other half it's being forced down by the piston return spring ;)

Ahh yes, that pesky piston return spring -- that's why your don't want to over-rev the engine as that might stretch the springs and then that would cascade into muffler bearing failure. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Damn i thought that was a Danish thing, though i am also familiar with the play
Ok so I wasn't crazy, it was originally written in French. I remembered it because it was one of the first things we had to read in my high school French 1 class
Sounds like a good way to put someone off French for life.
I had to read l'etranger by Albert Camus, which is quite a cracking read. Not very PC by today's standards, but quite thought provoking.

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I was most put off by my English lit teachers trying to tell me what the author was thinking when they wrote something... Several hundred years ago. How the hell could they possibly know that?
My French skills are quite limited as i have had little exposure to it, so my brain have had a tough time doing its thing with that language.
French in school was a additional ( volunteer ) in the 10 grade, and i have never volunteered for anything extra in school so by 9 and 10 grade i just had the bare minimum of hours in class. and still it was a nightmare.

Dunno where i have picked up the play thing, its not like i have ever been to a theater.
But the esperssion waiting for godot are used here when you wait in-vane for something.