Pics that make you smile

Cool if you are the type that use a phone for other things.
I put this here too.

Just like the Americans like to flag, well so do my friend and its not the Danish Red and White, or rather it is, but we also need a little Blue.

This is the only flag my friend fly, so i think its safe to say he like me also have a little American deep down inside.

Day #1 at my friends new house.
It's depressing how the idiot drivers rarely suffer the most when they cause crashes. Also I think I'll have nightmares tonight! :eek:
Still, it hammers home the message about defensive driving.
you can also buy a door stop with a alarm in it, but of course this are a nice cheap solution and it should work just fine.

In my young and wild days we have used these as "detonator" for DIY claymores, works just fine and if you are serious you can make a guy cut himself in half, or like we did just scare the living hell out of people.
Something for everybody!
Mr. Garrison would like that.

Just watched a somewhat disturbing episode of South Park :eek:
I visited South Park, Colorado last week. Wasn't a specific trip, it was just on the way to where I was going. Nothing special there really, just looked like any other old town with rickety old buildings and small houses.

It's part of the city of Fairplay - it's not its own city.
That coffeegrinder are a bit larger than the one in my car, that one i think are the size of a fist, a child's fist i think cuz i cant even see it.