Pics that make you smile

i was gonna say something about "Tedison", but then I remembered that my daughter named one of her dolls "Roosebelt". Pronounced just like Roosevelt, just with a B. She was very adamant about that B. But you can't exactly argue with a 3-year old. :P
i was gonna say something about "Tedison", but then I remembered that my daughter named one of her dolls "Roosebelt". Pronounced just like Roosevelt, just with a B. She was very adamant about that B. But you can't exactly argue with a 3-year old. :p

Tedison? :)
I am familiar with Tennyson and others of his kind, but i am afraid i never gotten around to read any of their works.
When small my sister dident do well pronouncing the letter B which she replaces with P :)

I should probably go to the library and read more, but after seeing a program with how easy Danish public data and computers are taken over by hackers i would be afraid catching a virus just setting foot near a library.
And my worring about all the data they have on me have spiked to new heights ( as it if wasent bad enough, but getting my personal assumptions confirmed on this are troubling )

I hope they catch the car driver. As a car driver, trucker AND biker, I can understand both frustrations, but this is the biggest NONO in traffic. Bouncing a car, OK, not cool too, but notmally that's not lethal and people usually dont get hurt from a little banger, but this car driver is crossing EVERY line, no matter what the biker said......
Thats one thing we Danes miss in our laws " vehicular manslaughter" which i think this is, at least attempted.

So as it is now a car is the perfect weapon in Denmark, pair it with alcohol / drugs and you can get off or at least get significant lesser jail time killing one or more, compared to if you did the same with your hands and some other form of weapon.

If you ask me a embarrassment, not least for a country that think its the best one in the world.
The only time I can think it would be justified to intentionally hit a motorcycle like that is if he's pointing a gun at you. But that doesn't look like what happened here.
WTF !!!! i dident know there was a ban on pin ball machines in the US o_O ( early 1940s until 1976 )

And now i am wondering if this is a pice of trivia my brain choose to store forever.
Almost had to call an Uber

Once years ago in a local popular animal TV program i saw a dog just tearing thru spruce trees some 12 - 16 feet above the ground.
Sadly this old VHS footage have not surfaced on the internet.

Not the right one but here is one danish tree dog ( it have two favorite trees for lookout )
Once years ago in a local popular animal TV program i saw a dog just tearing thru spruce trees some 12 - 16 feet above the ground.
Sadly this old VHS footage have not surfaced on the internet.

Not the right one but here is one danish tree dog ( it have two favorite trees for lookout )
I used to have a Jack Russel that did that sort of thing in all kinds of trees, thought he was a squirrel I guess;):cool:!
This video made me smile. Until I read the bad news, that's probably why YT is recommending it.
Looks like he posted quite a few fun videos, I'll be checking them out.

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"Mini me" just died i read in the news.