Pics that make you smile

My hobby is photography, but I might stop soon. I've lost the bug of late.

Speaking of which, these droneflys make me smiile when I get close enough to look into their eyes!

I would think Cerberus was less fluffy looking :giggle:
"usually is described as having three heads, a serpent for a tail, and snakes protruding from parts of his body "


Then again you never know with those Grek guys of ancient history, they came up with so much good stuff and BS back then.
Demos kratos. a lot of stone dropping back then ( that was the X you vote with ) other in the region threw and still do stones at people until they are dead.

Anyway it is not a guarantee for anything, just look at Greece today.
Not that it is a Greek thing alone, its a human thing, i just read that the RPG games have a hard time, cuz people playing those games dont really like them to change, and so hard for developers of those games to come up with anything new.
And i cant blame them, the games i played changed too, and i stopped playing cuz that change killed the fun of playing for me.

We see the same in our countries, the same ancient parties ruling, when truth be told people should have sidelined those failing giants a long time ago, but instead we keep voting for them.

2 things seem to prompt change and development. 1: Major disruptive events,,,,,, and believe it or not travel ( long distance )

Thats why Musk argue for going further out into space and settle there too, its inevitable to bring technological benefits and it have a great potential to make our societies better ( if the old school political parties dont ruin it like they do now )

Im okay with 2 steps back to go one forward, but it cant be a permanent thing, and the pace must be 3 steps forward and 1 step back,,, and its the 1 step back that's the key.
Mental picture:

So here its pretty common by gangs to hide weapons in a bush or something like that, so a little while ago a pistol was found, and of course the police picked it up and replaced it with a dummy.
So when some dude ( from the immigrant gang Brothas ) came to pick up the gun, he was picked up by the police, and sentenced to 4 years in jail for attempting to illegal arm himself :-)

Damn parasite serve him well :LOL:
Yesterday i saw a sticker on the back of a car.

Gas - Grass - Ass
No one drive for free.
I assume the driver required one or more of the mentioned to be given up for a ride.