Pics that make you smile

Yes we dont have any nasties in nature here, at least not unless you get a allergic reaction to say a bee sting or our one ever so slightly venomous snake.
This is a regular hunting spider living the good life in the stable / workshop at my friends place.

The people we vote for thats a whole other matter, and no cure ( we have ) for those. :giggle:

That venomous snake we got, i always keep my eyes out for one of those to take a selfie with, but so far i have not spotted their well camouflaged ass.
I am not going to take a selfie with a western brown for sure, i would probably back off nice and easy ( to maintain composure and my keep cool image ) if i saw one.
I hear some things if they hit you, it would be best if you can see a hospital when it happen.
I quite like spiders. I'll even let them set up camp in my house for a while. As long as they're well behaved and stay the hell away from me. But most of our spiders are under an inch in size and harmless.

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I read somewhere years ago that the average life span of a spider after being spotted in an American household is 15 seconds. I guess we just don't like them very much.
That's an early 50s Mercury coupe. Hard to tell but it might even be LHD.

You nailed it, thanks.

It is a LHD version. You can just see the steering wheel in the second pic. This guy had some seriously illegal window tinting. Unfortunately, the zoomed frame capture was from my rear generic dash cam.
Some times the quest for awesome pictures go too far.
Noob. Should've put a skylight filter on to protect the lens.

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A mobius with a MOD lens would have been much cheaper, and stashing 50 or so around the site should ensure some awesome pictures.
Though knowing NASA they will probably go for Gopro 6 cameras.
Australia has issues with heat in dash cams. The photographer said he was able to retrieve the data from that camera. That is the memory card we need to use.
so... full size SD cards?

i'm surprised the greenies haven't shut down vandenburg for rocket launches if it's so close to vegetation that launches routinely start brush fires. also, that didn't look like that great of a shot anyway.