Pics that make you smile

I dont see a Danish layout on that keybord, i would expect you to have one around to demo weird and funny Danish letters to the kids.
You name it, I got it.(y)

Kids you see that O with a forward slash thru it,,, that single letter mean island in Danish, and the strange A with a dot over it, that mean river.
That last time I did an audit of my box, I discarded dial-up modem cards and hard disks that were smaller than my USB sticks ! Now that Australia has broadband internet, it is time to discard the obsolete ADSL2 modems.
But but but... What will you do without those old scsi-ii or centronics cables? I feel incomplete without my old 3-connector 40pin ide and coax 10base2 cables...

Next on the chopping block for me are probably vga, coax (cable TV) and Ethernet cables below cat6.
Never. Get. Rid. Of. Anything.

Murphy's Law (#26?): The day after it's gone forever you will have a need for it. :banghead:

Boy, does that strike a cord! One time I threw away an old part I had kicking around for about 25 years. The NEXT DAY, I needed it.
Only a few days ago I had to find a VGA cable to GET a CCTV unit working. It had HDMI output, but defaulted to low resolution so my TV showed a blank screen. Hooked up via VGA instead, changed resolution in the menu, screen went blank, plugged in HDMI and all was good. Bad design and default settings, some people would have just assumed it was faulty and sent it back. But I was covered. I then bought a second unit, it acted the same, so it wasn't a one-off.

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To all the fabricators out there.











I would EDD it in a heartbeat, and people around me would go insane.
Still the Maruader have that special place in my heart.
One of those WTF smiles.
Did you know there are some people on earth that have a even more sacred connection with cows than some Indians have, well there is and these guys go all in for their cows.

If i crossed that line again, then i am sorry.
That cow had a very odd way of showing its appreciation.
I guess that when you need food, and need to get it yourself, then you're willing to go the extra mile for it. I'm just glad I can pop round the shop for a pint.

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One of those WTF smiles.
Did you know there are some people on earth that have a even more sacred connection with cows than some Indians have, well there is and these guys go all in for their cows.

If i crossed that line again, then i am sorry.

That bring the term "shi** job" into new perspective.
Just got a refresher.


Nothing much if you are a Aussie,,,, BUT this is on a school in France, and its been there since 1918 or rather after the Aussies rebuild the town too. (y)
The town are called Villers- bretonneux, and main street are named Rue de Melbourne.