Pics that make you smile

I am so going with AMD on the next build :p

Look like the limp one did a runner :giggle:
Finally! An emoji that adds value.

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When you suddenly realize,,,,,,, you are a dashcam addict.

And just to prove its not a staged picture, my need to be tidied up glove box.

The reason for today's attack on my poor center console, worst of all i have a sneaky feeling i will have to do a similar procedure soon.
The mirror do look set quite a long way back in that picture, but it ( tha base of the mirror ) is only some inches from the top of the windescren, still it give me a lot of room in front of the mirror.
Far enough that i can not put anything wide angle on the mirror or mirror stem as that would just be filled up with a lot of dotted area, i think for the same reason the generic mirror style dashcam would not work good in my car.