Pics that make you smile

That whole 'everyone is a winner' and 'there are no losers' works great in school. It's a different story after graduation when reality hits you like a baseball bat right between the eyes - and the over-protective parents can't figure out why poor Johnny needs years of psychological counseling just to make it from sun-up to sun-down.
Exactly. Learn it early and you'll be what they used to call normal when you grow up. Yeah it sucks listening to your kids cry about losing, but being a parent isn't all sunshine and lollypops anyway.
With personal transportation like that, i bet the number of propeller injuries / deaths will skyrocket.

Here in Denmark we are all loosers, then if you win something you will get a price, just dont get too ****y about it.
And if you remain a looser, dont worry, bigbrother will take care of you and make sure your life are not Africa misery.
We need to think about the message we really send when we follow certain ideas.

Substitute trophy with wages.

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Can't imagine what the battery and electronics setup looks like...
But it's "zero emissions" so it's good for the environment!

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you forgot free Ritalin
i keep seeing an orange toyota tundra in my area with a big 01 on the doors. dunno if it has a rebel flag on the roof because it's lifted with big tires, so i can't see the roof.

also i will never understand people talking on the phone in a public bathroom. there's always so much noise, not to mention the gross factor, like if you accidentally drop the phone.
i dont get people talking on phone in public, it is rare i get a call while out, but if i do i either ignore it and call back when i am in my car, or i remove myself from people and take the call if that is a option.
Everything else i feel are just poor style.
I especially dislige the people with BT headsets, they are like a idiot talking to itself.
Found a old pic of myself from my friends place,,,,, none of his cars have the flag on the roof, and he fly the star and stripes at home and not those rebel flags he do have.
I had more color on top back then, and it is evident at least for insiders that i was a pothead too.
i dont get people talking on phone in public, it is rare i get a call while out, but if i do i either ignore it and call back when i am in my car, or i remove myself from people and take the call if that is a option.
Everything else i feel are just poor style.
I especially dislige the people with BT headsets, they are like a idiot talking to itself.

I see and hear a guy/girl walking alone and talking, first thing that comes to my mind is he/she's nuts.o_O
Batman ran out of Vibranium and Adamantium for his car., maybe iron mad are hoarding it all for his suits.
Are those speakers on the back ?