Pics that make you smile

We've already had a Ford as President. What we need is a President Hummer to drag our country back out of the hole it's gotten into.

Argh :cautious: I forgot about Gerald :oops:
At least im not American so i can use that for a excuse.

I think maybe president Hummer are too little, you guys probably need president Mack.

Turn out that PET ( Danish FBI ) had / have a ongoing case with a high threat level against some people, and then the kids in this Volvo acted suspicious near one of the people that was / are threadned and then ran upon approached.
Only issue they apparently had was none of them had a license and they was all stoned out on weed.

Thanks for the news briefing, I think kids all over the world need a few classes in school about COMMON SENSE and THINKING before they do anything !
We've already had a Ford as President. What we need is a President Hummer to drag our country back out of the hole it's gotten into.

If the US (Government policies) doesn't start penalizing companies that farm everything out to other countries instead of bring industry back to the US we will continue to be in a downward economic spiral The housing market will never recover when Americas children are all working for McDonald's and similar US jobs. These are brief statements but you get my drift, and I won't debate the problem! The best thing this country has done in a long time is get a Republican back in the presidency, however the man can't do it all without the backing of the people who stand behind him, instead of nitpicking every thing he does like it is a world ending situation when they know basically nothing and care less. People don't seem to remember/know when the last president intered office food prices and gas went through the roof along with everything else.
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One of the kids in the car said he bought the Volvo for 10.000 Dkkr, this is a car that here cost 550.000 DKkr ( new & cheapest version ) so that price even for a used Volvo V90 are extremely good.

If people should lie, then really they should be better at it. :rolleyes:
If the US (Government policies) doesn't start penalizing companies that farm everything out to other countries instead of bring industry back to the US we will continue to be in a downward economic spiral The housing market will never recover when Americas children are all working for McDonald's and similar US jobs. These are brief statements but you get my drift, and I won't debate the problem!
The biggest reason companies moved production offshore was the policies put into place by the government. A sad but true statement.
Gas are thru the roof again here.
"Gasoline prices: We show prices for Denmark from 18-Jun-2018 to 24-Sep-2018. The average value for Denmark during that period was 7.16 U.S. Dollar with a minimum of 7.05 U.S. Dollar on 18-Jun-2018 and a maximum of 7.22 U.S. Dollar on 30-Jul-2018. For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world for this period is 1.59 U.S. Dollar."
So when you think your gas are expensive, just smile and think " at least im not in Denmark"

but i agree, those companies moving jobs, and then after that and the savings the money out of the country should be ashamed.
That truck reminds me of a Hyundai my mom had... She bought it for the 10 year 100k mile warranty. Well, at 8 years and about 90k, the center diff went out so she couldn't select 4wd anymore. Brought it in for warranty repair and they said "just use fwd, you don't need 4wd." Uh, no... In New England you need 4wd in the winter. That's why she BOUGHT 4wd. After threat of a lawsuit and media exposure, they fixed her car.
I thought the punchline would be :
"Come join us in the Democrat Party."

I've been learning a bit about USA politics over the last few days.

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I thought the punchline would be :
"Come join us in the Democrat Party."

I've been learning a bit about USA politics over the last few days.

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Politics here can be summed up simply. The other side has no good ideas, is heartless, or is unable to do needs to be done.

That is about it.

Who is truly heartless? The democrats who want to take more money from those who can not afford it (think increased taxes property and otherwise) or those who refuse to tax everyone more so a few with needs can get that money that is taken from others who could use it themselves?

Republicans are challenged for trying to obey the constitution instead of performing unconstitutional acts while democrats see the constitution as a problem to be overcome not a controlling document.

Once you get into the truth of what happens inside politics you would see that both parties are corrupted.

I tried to stop this. I challenged this nomination at the local party for these reasons and lost. The official line is the republican party wants to elect republicans. We do not want candidates with this kind of baggage if we expect to win. When I asked about these issues the chair said we were only allowed to ask respectful questions. I saw nothing disrespectful about asking if a candidate has had any ethics violations or charges of impropriety with funds not their own. The party even at the lwoer levels wants to keep those who had power in power. It is disgusting.
I expected Teslas to be more elegantly designed inside. A display that looks like a tablet jutting out seems like an afterthought. Those headrests are weird too.

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I just noticed something from the movie Idiocracy. As dumb as the people are, they use the apostrophe correctly.


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I expected Teslas to be more elegantly designed inside. A display that looks like a tablet jutting out seems like an afterthought. Those headrests are weird too.

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The model 3 is supposed to be their first attempt at a more affordable car, since the base model will start around $36k USD, compared to the model S which starts at twice that.

I think their end goal with the model 3 is for it to be completely self driving, and basically used like a taxi, so the screen will be purely informational and entertainment. That doesn't make it any less weird looking though. And you even have to use the screen to open the glovebox, and adjust the aim/position of the front air vents. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should"...

The seats in the model S look weird too but were pretty comfy in the one I drove... Granted, a 5 minute test drive won't say anything about long term comfort but it had good lumbar and side bolster support, and the model 3 seats seem to look very similar to the S.
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I just noticed something from the movie Idiocracy. As dumb as the people are, they use the apostrophe correctly.


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That just proves that it's not that difficult, and you must be a monumental idiot to use it wrong.

I give a pass to people whose first language is not English. It's got some ridiculous rules and inconsistencies.