Pics that make you smile

A display that looks like a tablet jutting out seems like an afterthought.
Yes the old ones was better looking with their screen.

I just noticed something from the movie Idiocracy. As dumb as the people are, they use the apostrophe correctly.


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That reminded me of the Jackie Chan movie the tuxedo.
I have heard of bricking a dashcam but MAN you,ve sure got to go some to brick the whole car
And I'll wager the fuel economy suffers more than just a little as well.
And I'll wager the fuel economy suffers more than just a little as well.
Nah, the fuel economy on those old 240s was crap to begin with, especially the non-turbo version. Probably never noticed the difference. Best I ever got in my brother's 1985 240 turbo (gas, not diesel) was 20 mpg and that was highway with no ac (cuz the AC was broken). And the 240 was a 4cyl... Meanwhile my 1988 4cyl Camry easily got 35 mpg on the highway even with the AC on. I even got 40 mpg once. Course, the Volvo probably weighs another 1500lbs more than that old Camry...
A little help to get things going on the toilet.


Best use of a NOS bottle i have ever seen.
I am strictly normally aspirated just like god intended it, thou suck and therefore thou shall go fast in my name.
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Seeing this in my mirror today, made for the need to mute soundtrack, not least as i quickly whipped up my own version of that old Janis Joplin track, and it dident come out too god as it did not rime too good when i came to my part.
There was also a few gimme thrown into the mix.

O and i was not overtaken by the thing, just stayed here behind me for a few Km until it turned off onto the motorway, i can only assume the driver already have 2 of the 3 marks on his license,,,, i know i would in no time.

Just looked u plate and i got this:

Model: 2017 Amg Gt C - 4,0 Roadster Amg Speedshift Dct 7

Personally i would go for the V12 6 liter.
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Emptied my piggy bank yesterday, starting to gather computer parts.


I know the RGB fab are pretty bad, but i like a little color on things, so the current computer have a black red theme, the new one will have a black ( still the same case ) and yellow / orange theme.
So hopefully i can make those fans / ram / motherboard stay at those 2 colors, maybe oscillate a little in between them to make the case look as if there is a fire inside it.
Not too crazy about just having 16 Gb ram as i have been at 32 Gb in the past computers, but i have to make do as there are not that many funds to work with.
So my shopaholic have been pleased today and so im am smiling a little, actually i was not able to sleep between Tuesday and Wednesday from excitement, so i kept it going until Wednesday afternoon before i fell asleep, and so got up at 1 AM Thursday morning ( a few hours ago )
Got a few more parts for the water-cooling loop i can pick up at the post office a little later in the day when it open up :)

Still have to tear into my savings for the more expensive parts, but a little less then expected due to the amount in my piggy bank, but ill have to wait a few weeks to pull the trigger on those parts.

And some more computer parts, minus one 45 degree bend fitting that fell out of the parcel that was damaged by the incompetence of Danish postal.

Thats a sweet ass rug, i would so put it all over my bar if i had one.
"chief" are also wise.
What would be great is to put an actual hole somewhere in the middle.