Pics that make you smile

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Thats why i only touch the stuff in the morning when i get out of bed, it is insane the levels people do coffee at nowadays.

I really like coffee, I like it a lot! However, I can't sleep for a couple days after a couple cups, it's a drug pure and simple that people have been drinking there whole lives so it will probably never be on any drug list. I once visited a friend and his wife had bought a capachino machine and made me a couple cups, I was up for 2 days straight and babbling like a deranged nut case. So obviously I'm allergic to it.
Sounds like me when i was young and stupid enough to do Amphetamine and Coke. even my most patient "friends" was like STFU :rolleyes: and they was high as a kite too.
I really like coffee, I like it a lot! However, I can't sleep for a couple days after a couple cups, it's a drug pure and simple that people have been drinking there whole lives so it will probably never be on any drug list. I once visited a friend and his wife had bought a capachino machine and made me a couple cups, I was up for 2 days straight and babbling like a deranged nut case. So obviously I'm allergic to it.

I love good coffee too although thankfully it doesn't affect me quite the way it seems to affect you. But your story reminds me of the time I went out to dinner with my girlfriend and when desert arrived the waitress offered us coffee. I ordered some decaf, which was so good I had a second cup. Later that night I was laying in bed, wide awake, staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours when I spontaneously blurted out, "It wasn't decaf!!". My girlfriend who didn't have any coffee didn't budge from her sound sleep. (a good thing, that!) The next morning I dragged myself out of bed after not sleeping a wink and went off to the kitchen to make some coffee. Went through the day like a totally wired zombie.........:zombie:
Hot chocolate, a must on our winter fishing trips back in the day.
A 500 ml bottle Cocio classic ( cap loosened of course ) on the charcoal grill after eating, and you have the best dessert ever when it have heated up, not least in minus 2 digit temperatures ( not factoring in wind chill that normally was pretty bad )

There is no life without coffee. If there were an easy and practical way for me to bypass my digestion and put coffee directly in my veins I'd do it in a heartbeat with a smile. On my refrigerator door is a magnet thingy which says "Instant human- Just add coffee". Yep, that's me. I don't want any of the BS like the burnt-tasting over-roasted 'Four-bucks' coffee that many people drink. I don't much care for cappuchino but I'll have one occasionally. Expresso would be good if it were cheaper and stronger. Yes stronger. Decaf is a sham, worse that a G1W clone for $10. I'm a coffee addict- I cannot live without it. I have and will give up meals to get coffee instead. There is no life without coffee.

I must be dead then, I don't drink it
me either. i love the smell but don't care for the taste. sometimes i'll have unsweetened ice tea or some warm green tea but i've been trying to avoid caffeine. used to drink about 1L of mountain dew every day, but thankfully i've kicked that habit.,
I take mine with plenty of sugar, if i cant have that you can keep it.