Pics that make you smile

I must be dead then, I don't drink it

As you know truckdrivers have no name, they just call us, yelling: "hey driver", and then when you're ready to leave: "want a cup of coffee to go?"

Sure, why not, we know it's allways old, or WAAAYYYY too strong, but you just want to be polite, even when they can't be bothered with our identity, and accept the old cup-a-joe, knowing it's going overboard in the next corner..... cause, you know, we don't want our intestins perforated.....

Yeah, we sure like a cup..... :eek: ....... from the misses at home! :love:
Aaaa so thats why truckers have a license plate looking sign in their windscreen with a name on it.

I think the best coffee i ever got was a Dutch brand they had on the first ship i was engineer on.
Aaaa so thats why truckers have a license plate looking sign in their windscreen with a name on it.

I think the best coffee i ever got was a Dutch brand they had on the first ship i was engineer on.

There you go! :ROFLMAO:

Allthough very few show their real name, it's mostly things like, pappy, gramp, capo, moustache, big boy..... so actually we're to blame ourselves come to think of it....
or something like this:


But I took it away, couse that might tigger the real big boys which I can't handle.....
Most coffee's are similar- it's how the beans are roasted that makes the largest difference. A good coffee has a smooth taste, nothing harsh and no 'bite', but today's Americans have been led to think that over-roasting is good. All that does is add a burnt flavor and increase bitterness :( The Dutch coffee's I've had were smooth- what coffee should be. Hawaiian Kona coffee is bliss to a coffee drinker. Jamaican Blue is the best though. You're lucky to ever see any of the last two as the specific areas where it grows are small, and the prices are jaw-dropping.

Most name-brand American coffees are crude with lower-quality beans; decent but nothing spectacular. Cheap run-of-the-mill American coffee's are crap- in fact that goes for all cheap coffee. I prefer mine with a raw honey or sugar, but I'll drink black too. I like mine strong as well, but a good coffee doesn't need to be strong to get the flavor. Most people's impression of coffee comes from the cheaper stuff, never knowing that there is something a lot better. I call 'decaf' a sham mostly because it's all made from the cheaper beans and it loses something in flavor due to how it's processed. Some people are sensitive to the caffeine but I'm not. It doesn't 'boost' me as much as it wakes me up mentally. I can drink it all day year round though I usually limit it to mornings and some evenings. Taste preferences vary and coffee has a fairly strong taste so most either love it or hate it with few in between. But for those who love it, if you ever get the chance to have some of the Kona or Jamaican stuff don't pass it up- it's scarce and you may not see it again. It's the best coffee in the world, so good that you'll be tempted to move to where it's grown just so you can have more :cool:

As you know truckdrivers have no name, they just call us, yelling: "hey driver", and then when you're ready to leave: "want a cup of coffee to go?"

Sure, why not, we know it's allways old, or WAAAYYYY too strong, but you just want to be polite, even when they can't be bothered with our identity, and accept the old cup-a-joe, knowing it's going overboard in the next corner..... cause, you know, we don't want our intestins perforated.....

Yeah, we sure like a cup..... :eek: ....... from the misses at home! :love:
The worst coffee I ever attempted to drink was back when I was in the military. On Friday they would brew up a big urn (10-15 gallons?) in the NCO mess and it would last all weekend. By Sunday evening that stuff was so bad you could use it as road tar for resurfacing. :yuck:
My dad worked offshore on some rigs before i was born. he said the stuff they made out there was THICK and majorly strong. He called it "petroleum pudding".

now he hardly has coffee at all. instead he drinks "tea, earl gray, hot". ;)
Russians used dogs as suicide bombers, trained to seek food under tanks, they was starved and fitted with a remote detonated bomb vest.
I think the British even experimented with pigeon guided bombs.
And the Americans fitted bats with incendiary devices, which did resulted in a few barns getting burned to the ground during testing.

I like when girls release their inner slut, but just once in a while of course.

I think i said it before but slut in Danish means the end,,,, so what you would see at the end of old Danish movies.

We have a saying about when something are definitely over and done with, it goes ( in Danish ) Slut - Prut - finale, which translate to The end - fart - final :giggle:
This may be the future for cameras and dash cams. Who says only one lens is needed?

Nice video, although I find the guy a little too enthousiast, suspiciously even... Wait, was it an April fools day recording.... Hahaha but seriously, if it's true, then in a few years we should be able to obtain one for about 600 bucs? Hmmm.... taz61dp.gif
This may be the future for cameras and dash cams. Who says only one lens is needed?

Might need to work on the 'stealth' factor a bit before it becomes accepted as a dash cam. ;)