Pics that make you smile

I think he's had more than one beer..... I don't want to know why he has those dolls, though.
I was in a hot tub with 4 hot chicks. You know the barbie doll type right? Yeah, 4 of them joined in with me. It was great!!!
That way a redneck could tell a tall tale of being a ladies man without much exaggeration involved.
and it looks like all the ladies are nekked.
i'm thankful that a fair number of my daughter's barbie dolls have clothes molded and painted onto the torso, so they're not completely naked. i also thankful that she mostly keeps them in her room and not all over the house. probably has something to do with my threat of throwing them away or feeding them to the dogs if they get left out. :D
I won't admit I have a limited edition, new in the box, old stock, Barbi I picked up for the granddaughter of a friend of mine within ten feet of me as I type this. (She's probably staring at me at this moment. I know she 'wants' me.)

(That Dalmation ^^^^ looks ashamed)
Dolls are a lot safer, no STD's/alimony/child support/cell phone bills!
So, now explain to me why real girls are better. :D
That would be ironic indeed for Dallas, and funny as hell as many younger people would be ????? WHF are they laughing.
Thats one SOB Suzuki Alto, if i could afford to feed it i would so pick one up in no time. :giggle:

I am so diggin this i fell over a few days ago, but i would go true EDF on the motors, and yes i would also put a rapid fire soft air gun in mine.

When Danes do it with styrofoam, its a bit different.