Pics that make you smile

Should it have read Aunt
hmmm ... where's the bit about "Another ice age is coming!" ? :cold:

Yes, back in the 70's, there was a theory that we were headed for another ice age.

Oh well ... I just think that it's so funny how, during the 90's and 00's, it was 'Global warming' -- and, now that we realize that was BS, it's 'Climate change'.
Seriously, is the ocean level really rising?
hmmm ... where's the bit about "Another ice age is coming!" ? :cold:

Yes, back in the 70's, there was a theory that we were headed for another ice age.

Oh well ... I just think that it's so funny how, during the 90's and 00's, it was 'Global warming' -- and, now that we realize that was BS, it's 'Climate change'.
Seriously, is the ocean level really rising?

No, it wasn't "BS", it was a theory going back to well before the 70's. But the fact of human induced climate change now has global consensus among most of the world's leading climatologists.

In some places temperatures are warming in some they are far colder than usual. The trend of high and low temperature extremes continues. Weather events have become more severe as have droughts. The U.N. says 2018 was Earth's 4th-warmest year on record and predicts a 5 to 9 degree temperature rise this century. And yes, the ocean levels are indeed rising. Emissions of C02 into Earth's atmosphere reached record highs in 2018 and are now at more than 410.83 ppm (January 2019) . The latest C02 readings shows a 30 per cent increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the global atmosphere since recording began in 1958. The first measurement was recorded as 315ppm and 400ppm is considered a tipping point. Oceans have become dramatically more acidic since the industrial revolution due to uptake of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and Ocean Acidification is harming marine organisms that have shells made of calcium such as corals, oysters, clams, mussels, snails, and phytoplankton and zooplankton, the tiny plants and animals that form the base of the marine food web. (This acidity from C02 disolved in water is similar to how carbonated beverages contribute to the formation of cavities in your teeth.)

"Climate Science" is far more complex than people like you seem to believe it is.
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No, it wasn't "BS", it was a theory going back to well before the 70's. But the fact of human induced climate change now has global consensus among most of the world's leading climatologists.

In some places temperatures are warming in some they are far colder than usual. That trend continues.
"Climate Science" is far more complex than people like you seem to believe it is.
Ok, I guess that's why they had to drop the 'global warming' narrative. But, in a few years, those places will experience 'climate change', and other places will get warmer / colder than usual.
They keep saying that we're pumping all this CO2 into the atmosphere, implying that it's just hanging out, doing its greenhouse thing. This is one reason I call it BS. I know that everything decays (products we make, biological stuff like plants, and even molecules). This is due to various causes; in the atmosphere, it could be the cosmic wind, UV rays, or reactions with other molecules.
Then, certain people want to impose laws and spend $Trillions to 'prevent' the Earth and Mother Nature from doing what they're supposed to do. This amounts to redistribution of wealth.
Top it off with so many of those people not even welcoming debate (btw, science relies on debate -- it's how we figure out reality). "The science is settled." Yeah, BS. Science is never 'settled'.

I could modify your last sentence to: Politics is far more complex than so many people seem to believe it is.

Really, doesn't it sound like someone is trying to control us?
Ok, I guess that's why they had to drop the 'global warming' narrative. But, in a few years, those places will experience 'climate change', and other places will get warmer / colder than usual.
They keep saying that we're pumping all this CO2 into the atmosphere, implying that it's just hanging out, doing its greenhouse thing. This is one reason I call it BS. I know that everything decays (products we make, biological stuff like plants, and even molecules). This is due to various causes; in the atmosphere, it could be the cosmic wind, UV rays, or reactions with other molecules.
Then, certain people want to impose laws and spend $Trillions to 'prevent' the Earth and Mother Nature from doing what they're supposed to do. This amounts to redistribution of wealth.
Top it off with so many of those people not even welcoming debate (btw, science relies on debate -- it's how we figure out reality). "The science is settled." Yeah, BS. Science is never 'settled'.

I could modify your last sentence to: Politics is far more complex than so many people seem to believe it is.

Really, doesn't it sound like someone is trying to control us?

I don't know quite what to say when I hear poorly informed people like you talk like this but the logic you are employing to conclude that climate change is "BS" and your "theories" about how climate science actually functions are more than dubious. "Cosmic wind?", really?

C02 does indeed have a half life but the decay is at a far slower rate than can be absorbed by the atmosphere and the oceans after 300 or so years of burning fossil fuels. And this is the reason that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the oceans is now at over 410 ppm and still rising at rates faster than was even predicted. But apparently, you know more about this subject than the scientists at NASA, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, The Union of Concerned Scientists, the National Climate Assessment, (a team of more than 300 experts guided by a 60-member Federal Advisory Committee who produced the report, which was extensively reviewed by the public and independent experts, including federal agencies and a panel of the National Academy of Sciences.).....along with all the other researchers world wide who have dedicated their careers to studying these matters that you dismiss as "BS"? Amazing!

These scientists (literally thousands of them world wide) are concerning themselves with the facts, not "politics", nor "redistribution of wealth", or "controlling you". This kind of paranoid talk is nonsense and is part and parcel with the propaganda and conspiracy theories promulgated by the likes of Fox News, the fossil fuel industry and the politicians and lobbyists in their pockets.

So you are quite correct, the Earth and Mother Nature are certainly "doing what they're supposed to do" but your children and grandchildren won't be too happy with the results.
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I think global warming was a poor choice of name at the time as every idiot would say it was wrong anytime they were covered in 10 feet of snow, climate change is a far more appropriate name, could possibly even call it environment change, the changes in the ocean may have bigger implications, changes in oxygen levels and salinity are affecting the food chain, some species are dying off, particularly those at the bottom of the food chain, crustaceans that can no longer grow shells etc, what the knock on effect of that will be is hard to predict

maybe climates always change and these things will happen anyway, are we contributing to the problem, hard to think we're not, can't think of any positive that comes from the pollution we create, I also can't see a problem with wanting to make less pollution, even if it's all wrong it would still be a cleaner place to live, how can that be a bad thing
I have seen models where my part of the world would actually be substantial colder with global warming,,,,,, for a while that is.
This is related to the if the gulf current shut down and don't cycle warm water up here anymore, then we could see somewhat of a small ice age.

I don't know quite what to say ...
About a decade ago, some organization (or association) of scientists declared that "climate change is real". The funny thing is, it wasn't the members -- it was their leaders. The members had no part in that declaration. So, it's not that a bunch of scientists figured this out, and made the announcement.
That told me a lot right there.

All this talk about global warming / climate change just seems to be imposed on us, and we're supposed to accept it as real. In other words, it seems like the scientific method has not been followed here.

Btw, I've heard of many scientists (and other intelligent people) that have announced that humans are not affecting the climate -- and even totally shoot down claims such as you posted. I don't get into that, tho. I look at the bigger picture: the people that push the idea of 'humans are causing climate change' are involved in other crap. That's why I say it's BS.

Another Btw: don't try to stereotype me. I'm totally for recycling, and reducing pollution. I got my employer to implement a cardboard recycling program (we generate several hundred pounds of cardboard scrap per day). And I hate when I see pollution.

It's just that I haven't seen actual evidence that humans are doing anything to change the climate. And, I have heard enough to refute that claim. I just wish that you'd consider reading what other people have to say (i.e. scientists that refute the narrative).
Btw, I've heard of many scientists (and other intelligent people) that have announced that humans are not affecting the climate -- and even totally shoot down claims such as you posted. I don't get into that, tho. I look at the bigger picture: the people that push the idea of 'humans are causing climate change' are involved in other crap. That's why I say it's BS.

Another Btw: don't try to stereotype me. I'm totally for recycling, and reducing pollution. I got my employer to implement a cardboard recycling program (we generate several hundred pounds of cardboard scrap per day). And I hate when I see pollution.

It's just that I haven't seen actual evidence that humans are doing anything to change the climate. And, I have heard enough to refute that claim. I just wish that you'd consider reading what other people have to say (i.e. scientists that refute the narrative).

"Some organization (or association) of scientists"? Which ones, who?

"It seems like the scientific method has not been followed here." How's that? Please state your reasoning. I provided numerous legitimate resources with plenty of material and academic resources to peruse but you just state your opinions without apparently having taken the time to read them or provide any references of your own. In fact, you started this discussion by questioning whether sea levels are really rising. I provided evidence that sea levels are indeed rising and yet you skipped right over that.

"Just seems to be imposed on us"? Huh? Scientists present theories that they strive to prove via empirical evidence and the scientific method. I suppose the germ theory was "imposed on us" too, or the fact that the earth is round and revolves around the sun". I suppose that was "imposed on us" as well despite the fact that prevailing beliefs at the time opposed such apostasy. According to your logic, Einstein apparently "imposed" the theory of relativity upon us.

"I've heard of many scientists (and other intelligent people) that have announced that humans are not affecting the climate" Again, you don't provide any documentation. That's OK, I will.
Indeed, you are correct, there are a number of scientists who question that climate change is an anthropogenic phenomenon or that it is even happening at all. However, the fact is that "Nearly all publishing climate scientists (97–98%) [1] are convinced by the evidence that humans are significantly contributing to global warming.[2] The number of scientists who dispute anthropogenic climate change is statically negligible.



Consider the concept of actually doing some reading up on this subject and engaging in some critical thinking.
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I think global warming was a poor choice of name at the time as every idiot would say it was wrong anytime they were covered in 10 feet of snow, climate change is a far more appropriate name, could possibly even call it environment change, the changes in the ocean may have bigger implications, changes in oxygen levels and salinity are affecting the food chain, some species are dying off, particularly those at the bottom of the food chain, crustaceans that can no longer grow shells etc, what the knock on effect of that will be is hard to predict

maybe climates always change and these things will happen anyway, are we contributing to the problem, hard to think we're not, can't think of any positive that comes from the pollution we create, I also can't see a problem with wanting to make less pollution, even if it's all wrong it would still be a cleaner place to live, how can that be a bad thing

Almost never can I say I totally completely agree with everything in a paragraph or statement, but I do here. Perfectly said Jokiin (y)
Thanks for bringing the thread back on topic Jokiin (y) It was getting depressing to come here seeking a smile and leaving with a frown instead ;)

Well a lot of things make me smile, like people saying the earth are flat, or people saying "what climate change" ASO.

Some times when i watch a doku on stuff and Hitler pop up, i jump out of my chair rise my right arm horizontal to the side and then tilted up from the elbow and go "gelfippen flaffel und dem undengelyneme siecateludut" ( garbage German ) just to get a laugh.
Unsure if its the garbage German or Hitler i laugh at, i have a good understanding / knowledge about both.
Well a lot of things make me smile, like people saying the earth are flat, or people saying "what climate change" ASO.

Here's something that makes me smile --
I recall some announcements about 'climate change', from the UN I believe. They said that, yes, average global temperatures were up during the 90's, but then dropped back to normal in the 00's.
Yes, there are variations in climate. But, how are certain researchers so sure that humans are doing any of it?
Remember that graph from about 15 years ago, that had the predicted temps climbing drastically? That implies a trend; how do they know there's a trend?

Some times when i watch a doku on stuff and Hitler pop up, i jump out of my chair rise my right arm horizontal to the side and then tilted up from the elbow and go "gelfippen flaffel und dem undengelyneme siecateludut" ( garbage German ) just to get a laugh.
Unsure if its the garbage German or Hitler i laugh at, i have a good understanding / knowledge about both.
I work with a guy that grew up under the USSR. He likes to say "Actung!" (to mock the Nazis). He knows about that stuff, too.
I wish more people knew what the Nazis were.
There seem to be a oscillation in the earths climate over long time periods, just like rock samples have also indicated that the magnetic north pole, well it have been all over the place too, not just sliding a little like we have been used to in our magnetic compass time.
People then seem to debate, if the degree and speed of change are amped up now or if this trend of periods are more frequent now,,,, which i recon must be hard as if anything we are only on the first change now.
And i don't think in geology or deep ice core samples they can tell the speed of climate fluctuations in the past.

All i know when i was a kid we had nice snow every winter, some winters even a lot of snow, and for the past 10 years the total of snow within that decade in the area where i live have been 1-2 feet at best, which are what we got in a day in my childhood winters.
Last snowfall i can recall which i would count as winter was in February of 2004 or so, where it snowed pretty good for 3 days strait, and on the second day i barely made it home from work, and going back to work on the following day was out of the question.

Snow now in my adult years well it are mostly melted away after a few days, where as in my childhood all the snow falls over the winter months would to a large degree still be there when the last snow fell, or at the very least stick around for several weeks before it was melted ( due to temperatures not amount of snow )

This winter we just passed thru saw a total of 1-2 inches of snow where i live. and the number of full days with sub zero temperatures was only 1 or 2, and days with 12 hours of frost ( mostly overnight ) have only been 2 weeks at best.
And we just in the end of the last winter month matched the highest ever measured winter temperature with 15 degree C ( though last time it was that high was in the early 90ties )

And you have to account for Denmark are actually as far or further north on the globe than the US/Canada border, so while we are not the most northerly european country then we are far from the southern ones.
Here's something that makes me smile --
I recall some announcements about 'climate change', from the UN I believe. They said that, yes, average global temperatures were up during the 90's, but then dropped back to normal in the 00's.
Yes, there are variations in climate. But, how are certain researchers so sure that humans are doing any of it?
Remember that graph from about 15 years ago, that had the predicted temps climbing drastically? That implies a trend; how do they know there's a trend?

You, "believe"? --- How about citing an actual source?

Dropped down to "normal"? --- What do you define as "normal"?

"How are certain researchers so sure that humans are doing any of it? --- Well, the reason we know that climate change is anthropogenic (caused by humans) is the correlation between the historically dramatic rise in carbon dioxide levels that correspond with mankind's use of fossil fuels along with the concomitant rise in atmospheric and oceanic temperature levels. (As well as the unprecedented rise in ocean acidity during this time period.)

"How do they know there's a trend?" --- Because we can measure the trend(s).




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In between Denmark and the UK is a fishing bank called Dogger bank, 12,000 years ago it was Dogger land, as that's how much water was locked up in what experts call a "small ice-age"
You could almost walk dry shoe from Denmark across the north sea to England.
Now it are the home of a off shore wind farm, and there are plans for building a artificial island out there.