Pics that make you smile

Yeah i dident even watch half of it, i soon realized it was a issue i was already familiar with.
There were some good reminders in there about how to fact check, would love some of my friends and family to watch it, so many get sucked into believing stuff that they later regret

When I encounter this I never let them live it down :ROFLMAO: This has brought a few people around to thinking more correctly, but most of them still continue doing as they have always done because it's easier and more popular and it requires no depth of thinking to do- as if such thinking is somehow bad for us :eek: It's a sad commentary on how the world is today and it explains why so much is wrong with it and only getting worse instead of better :whistle:

Always been a fan of Chris.

Q always has the most profound questions.
Yeah :rolleyes: are people thinking ? and what the hell are they thinking ??
^^^^^ It works.
One of the favorite stories my Mom would tell about me as a small child......when I was 5 or so she sent me to the corner store to get a few things.
She made a note with drawings since I couldn't read, and explained what they were.

A bottle of milk

A bunch of bananas

A loaf of bread

I was supposed to do the shopping myself, hand the cashier the money.

The next time she went to the store, she found out I handed the note with the drawings to the cashier, and she did the shopping.

They thought it was funny.
I remember shopping as a kid, not least when i had to get cigarettes for my smoking mother, or beer for my drinking father, both of which required a written permission back then.
Actually it still do, but it seem like for some decades store owners have not been giving a damn, today sell ciggerettes or alcohol to minors and you get a hefty fine.
My ideal girl are a single mom,,,,,,,, she will be when i am done with her.