Pics that make you smile

Worst part is these people call them self enlightened, and claim " i have read up on stuff and educated myself"
And i go "O really" :rolleyes:

I will admit there are many things we humans have come up with that for sure would have made for a better world if we had not come up with that.
But none of the vaccinations and cures for various diseases are on that list to my knowledge.
On the west coast of Jutland near a town called Haboøre a chemical plant named Cheminova got permissions to bury some really nasty chemicals pretty much at the edge of the water, so that stuff have been sitting there since the 50-60 ties.
And only now are they talking about cleaning it up ( on the tax payers dime of course )
I for one can have absolutely NO trust in the political parties that gave those permissions back then, actually based on their insufficiency in history those political parties should be banned.
I know, would be inefficient too to have 2 rovers in the same place, so selfie it is, and that i can also deal with as it is after all a serious achievement to put a rover up there.
People taking selfies on the other hand, thats pretty far out in my book.
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Well the native Americans got to have been some though guys, cuz when my guys came over there, they was almost slaughtered on the beach.
And there are people pretty much all around the world that would have loved to have been able to do that to my guys when they came calling back in the day, but most other people just dropped everything and ran,,,,, which was also the sane thing to do cuz my guys was not nice at all.
The reason I recognized the name is because Wilma Mankiller was once the top Chief of the Cherokee. While that was in Oklahoma, part of their tribe still lives on their traditional lands just to the north of here, plus I'm supposedly 1/16 Cherokee myself but I don't think anyone in the family ever verified that properly. It was mostly "white mans" diseases that killed off the Native Americans as they had no immunity to them. They loved nothing more than a good fight when it was necessary and most would fight to the death. Had the Vikings landed further south they would have fared better, as the tribes where the English landed were far more peaceful. Kind of funny but I've got some (verified) Pilgrim blood in me too :cool:

While i did study the native Americans, then very little have been saved by my strange grey goo between the ears, but i can tell that reading it was much more interesting then what school had to offer.

There was no Mayflower in Danish history, but looking at genes it do look like we are tied to people coming up from the black sea region as the ice started to melt after the last ice age.
Which seem to be very common as most swing past that region coming out of Africa.
And funny enough that same route Danes used for trade back to the bronze age, and the later vikings established many towns in that direction, of whom many still exist.

Strange things come up of the Danish dirt some times, one thing like the Gundestrup cauldron are still much debated in its origin, cuz its not made here for sure.
They do agree on it date to about the time of Christ.

We traded in Amber mainly that was much sought after down south, so that paid for a lot of bronze and other things.
She is also known as Black Widow or Widow Maker.