Pics that make you smile

If Hitler had him on his side back then, we would all speak German now.
Serious that guy single handed made the whole world sick, add the google boys and the world have a bleak future.
What ever he is selling i am not buying, and when the decrease phone owners seem to suffer by get named it should be something with facebook in it.
I am of course blaming myself and people in general, his problem is just he cash in on it, which all together are a perfectly normal human reaction.
Also love that a few of the worlds top rich people have more money than the poorest 3-4 billion people :eek:
Serious i don't mind people are rich, but these silly rich people Vs all the poor and all the problems of the world, that just seem so silly to me

Aaaa yes the good old days, before things was made too complicated :giggle:


Cigarette sharing, now what kind of commie came up with this BS.









The annual beer regatta at Aahus university.

This is how it look after a few hours when the prime of Danish youth have left :oops:


Happy to say i was never that kind of Animal.
Yes replacing apple with big macks was not a good idea.
I like the Germans, they put hefty fines ( 2500 EURO ) for anti waxxers and ban their kids in daycare ASO it seem Italy are going the same route.
In little old Denmark, which otherwise like to fine just about everything, it is still a thing left to campaigns and information, as it have always been and have been known to faulter for a long time,,,,,,,,,,, Stupid Danes :rolleyes:
Living in this day and age you often get that feeling, bringing a person from history to today and i am sure he/she would be like that more often.
Honest Abe would probably tell you that too.