Pics that make you smile


Well in Denmark you pretty mucn need a permit for everything, dear god i hate the nanny state.
All they need now are some red targeting lasers. That 1 shot of them back flipping out of the piles of leaves just makes me think of terminators ambushing some unlucky survivors in a trap.


All fun and games now but just wait 'til those cute little rascals have razor sharp claws and one bad software patch.
All they need now are some red targeting lasers. That 1 shot of them back flipping out of the piles of leaves just makes me think of terminators ambushing some unlucky survivors in a trap.


Wait 'til they get AI and they're autonomous. That's when the real fun begins! :droid:
I am more thinking of the fire ant tank killer, only smaller / more deadly

A big + for using this wrong that way is a lot of evidence get blown up.

It seem like almost anything today can be used in the wrong way, so by that my reasoning is that most of the money they spend on anti terror / terror of own population are a waste of money, at least for terrorists perspective, on the other hand it seem like terrorizing your own population are the order of the day so from the perspective of the ruling elite its probably all good.
A mullet we Danes call Swede hair. i assume cuz its a popular haircut over there.
Sirius patrol 2019 season started today, in calm and cold weather, not much precipitation in northern Greenland this year.

Upholding the claim of Denmark's presence in the high arctic,,,,,, just damn glad its not my job with the temperatures and all up there.

A little nod to our American friends with the naming scheme of our dog sleds. :)
The Americans boldly went where no man have been before in the 60/70 ties, we do that every year since then.

That is if the Americans want to be friends, hard to know what the hell are going on with the leader in command

Some make clams by sailing a sub under the ice, or plow it up with a icebraker and drop a flag on the bottom with a ROV, we Danes do it the old fasioned way with feet on the ground ,or in this case ice.
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Some make clams by sailing a sub under the ice, or plow it up with a icebraker and drop a flag on the bottom with a ROV, we Danes do it the old fasioned way with feet on the ground ,or in this case ice.
Our scientists are worried about global warming thinning the ice and their antarctic research vehicle falling through into the ocean below.
But I would rather do my scientific research in the warmth than on your dog sled!

Hehe, we have no interests down south on Antarctica, only ice and the entrance to hell down there.

It is some massive ice cubes that some times come loose down there, make the ship sinking ones from Greenland seem like a ice cube in a single malt.
In the late 50ties Denmark sent a brand new arctic ship to Greenland named MS - Hans Hedtoft, it got up there alright visited some towns and then a single life belt was found and all hands was lost.
So the proud Danish maritime heritage do have a dent here and there.
One of the more positive people might know, though not a Danish ship the captain Kurt Carlsen was, and he did not leave The Flying Enterprise before it was totally doomed.
I think the only Dane to ever get a ticker tape parade in the US.
Some controversy and conspiracy theories about this sinking in 1952.

We don't make Danes like that anymore :oops:
It is some massive ice cubes that some times come loose down there
Yes, I think they had to abandon it over the winter just ended because they were worried it was going to end up on an ice cube (berg) rather than on ice attached to the land, and rescue in mid-winter is not very feasible.
Kurt Carlsen was, and he did not leave The Flying Enterprise before it was totally doomed.
That wasn't an ice berg, it went down off our English coast after suffering structural failure in a storm, but it was built in California not Denmark!
Yes i think the consensus is Flying Enterprise was taken down by a cargo that shifted or something like that, but Titanic hit a ice berg they say.
As i recall they have also found Hans Hedtoft, but i don't think they have surveyed it and come up with a reason why it went down so quickly, they did manage to send SOS on the wireless.
I might have sailed right over it, and in the baddest weather i have ever experienced on a ship, my cabin was on the #1 floor above the main deck, and some times the curtains on my porthole was close to a 45 degree angle.
Even staying in bed was not easy and we had to break out special bad weather mattresses, but then wedging yourself in between that and the wall and you was able to "relax"

I tell you my survival kit was out of the cupboard and its bag ready for me to jump into it, we did also loose some deck cargo.

Sadly i was banned from opening a door and take a picture when it was at its worst, so the pictures i did manage to get later are not that bad looking.
and some times the curtains on my porthole was close to a 45 degree angle.
I've never been on a ship that hasn't turned into the wind in a storm!
Most difficulty I've had was trying to walk when there was zero G part of the time and 2G another part - big waves, no problem sleeping though.
Must have been some pretty nasty weather outside on our way home on our honeymoon cruise... All doors to upper decks were locked and staircases blocked off, and barf bags all over the ship (unused but ready) along halls, in elevators, etc... Even near the middle of the ship you could still feel it pitching and slamming into the next wave. Couldn't see anything out the windows - just pitch black since it was night somewhere in the gulf of Mexico.
A sister ship to the first tanker i sailed on ( build here in Denmark ) pounded waves so bad on a voyage from the states to Japan, after unloading it had to go to a dock and have the front of the ship cut off and replaced with a new one.
The whole front was warped too bad to carry on, so steering into the waves you can do, but at some time you just have to back off.
I taught stabilization ( fins / gyros ) was mandatory on cruise ships today,,,,,, but as some have learned the hard way, you have to retract those fins before you park your ship :LOL:

Just imagine the load these see at sea, im amazed they can make them last.

I cant share that kind of video footage from my side camera, and its also not that good as it was night time.
But i can tell what i saw on the road yesterday, and i saw a car in the lane to my left with a stern but good looking female driver, with what appeared to be a butt naked boy / young man in the rear seat behind her.
Now i cant tell if he was completely naked but his upper torso was, i assume it was some kinky Danish version of the underground railway. :LOL:

PS. temperatures here are just above freezing, so no sane man would run around butt naked or even half naked. :unsure: