Pics that make you smile

Would you want this rack on your wall?

I think someone found a bag of crack on the side of the road in the spring,,,,,,, dont do drugs,,,Mmmkay
Mom, can I have a LOT of candy?
No dear, that would not be good for you.
Mom, can I have ONE candy bar?
One candy bar? Ok.
(A huge grin breaks out as this is brought to the counter.)


I have a severe chocolate addiction, or at least i had when i was a pothead and often needed to boost the blood sugar levels.
I have eaten many many kilos, and my favorites have always been some of the Ritter sport bars and Toblerone.

I see 4.5 kilos on the bottom of that bar :love:
Many people have trouble breaking off one piece of Toblerone, they do not know the trick :whistle:

Pinch two of thin points at the top together and it will easily break right where you pinched it :cool: With all this talk, I'm going to have to buy one when I go out shortly :ROFLMAO:

Some will argue they feel like dying every day, i had 9.5 years of that, fortunate people call that school i call it my longest nightmare.
I did not expect to see that in this lifetime. :eek:


But that is what you get when a guy F..k off,,,, into the distance.

It start around the 1:00 mark,,,,,,, and what did you expect from a bunch of BMW drivers :LOL:

I just did the same to the workers international song, not performing it of course, just rearranging and exchanging a few words and the posting it online.
Also i didnt do all the verses only the first 3.