Pics that make you smile


Photo of dog.

Dont need to go that far with Fie, just leave phone unattended, she are such a poser.
Worthy of more then a F for sure.
My buddy in school got a 03 ( same as a F i think ) in verbal English, but really he was not that bad at it, so he got ripped off for sure.
I only got a 10 as they said i spoke American,,,, and i was like well isent that English too, so even for the good grade i felt ripped off.
System back then was: 00-03-5-6-7-8-9-10-11and 13 as the top grade, the new grade scale are -3-00-02-4-7-10-12

I do recall they asked me at the end " so what are you going to do in this summer break" and i said " i will do my best to forget the nightmare that have been the past school year"
They did not like that, even if i spent very much time outside of class or at the principals office., and if i was in class i was reading comics instead.
Even back then it was clear that this kid are not like the other ones :) so more easy for teachers to marginalize me than to stimulate my apparent talent for languages.

And back then it was actually legal to accommodate talented kids in school, today the system accommodate the stupid kids instead so the talented ones suffer.
The answers here are perfect.
No they are not, Napoleon did not die in his last battle, he died after 6 years of imprisonment by the British on the UK's most remote island, 1125Km from the nearest island and much further to land, so remote that until 2 years ago it took a whole week to travel there! They now have an airport, but only 1 flight per week.
And its probably a trick question, wanting people yo write waterloo as that's all most associate with Napoleon.
Maybe write Elba where i think he was imprisoned the first time, but this wasent sufficient remote.
But yeah i knew he did not die in a battle, but rather in a bed, by reasons that are still debated i think as some think he was poisoned.

#2 i know as that's Independence hall in Philly, and i know that due to the movie National treasure :)

And Ravi river i have never heard off.
And its probably a trick question, wanting people yo write waterloo as that's all most associate with Napoleon.
Maybe write Elba where i think he was imprisoned the first time, but this wasent sufficient remote.
But yeah i knew he did not die in a battle, but rather in a bed, by reasons that are still debated i think as some think he was poisoned.

#2 i know as that's Independence hall in Philly, and i know that due to the movie National treasure :)

And Ravi river i have never heard off.
You could swim ashore from Elba with a bit of training!

Ravi river is in India/Pakistan, so even if by state they mean country there still isn't a single answer.

#2 may be a trick too, since not everyone signed it at one event, some signatures were added later.
No they are not, Napoleon did not die in his last battle, he died after 6 years of imprisonment by the British on the UK's most remote island, 1125Km from the nearest island and much further to land, so remote that until 2 years ago it took a whole week to travel there! They now have an airport, but only 1 flight per week.
Napoleon's last battle was a battle to live (to stay alive). He lost his last battle with death. How you interpret a question depends on perspective.

How many people die after having "a battle with cancer"?
How many people die after a battle with AIDS?
How many people die after "fighting" serious internal injuries?

Battle and fighting does not necessarily refer to armed conflict.
Indeed, but then the questions are aimed at aspiring politicians, and the answers will be judged if they are just as ambiguous as the questions. :)
In which case the F are still a too low grade.
Napoleon's last battle was a battle to live (to stay alive). He lost his last battle with death. How you interpret a question depends on perspective.
He had a pretty important battle after his death, the one that eventually resulted in him returning home to France!

Unless of course you don't consider his dead body or the history that goes with it to be him.
He had a pretty important battle after his death, the one that eventually resulted in him returning home to France!

Unless of course you don't consider his dead body or the history that goes with it to be him.
I consider the body to be a mere container. The essence that makes a man or woman is not contained within the body after death. The spirit of a man or woman leaves the body behind at the moment of death.

When a soda bottle is empty the soda is gone.
When a whiskey bottle is empty the whiskey is gone.
When a body is empty the man or woman is gone.
P.S. You are not in a battle if you do not move even one muscle or take even one breath in that battle.
P.S.S. Others can battle over your body but a dead body is not active in that battle and thus not battling in any sense.
I consider the body to be a mere container. The essence that makes a man or woman is not contained within the body after death. The spirit of a man or woman leaves the body behind at the moment of death.

When a soda bottle is empty the soda is gone.
When a whiskey bottle is empty the whiskey is gone.
When a body is empty the man or woman is gone.
P.S. You are not in a battle if you do not move even one muscle or take even one breath in that battle.
P.S.S. Others can battle over your body but a dead body is not active in that battle and thus not battling in any sense.
Almost every USA president has taken part in battles without moving a muscle themselves, it is others that do the fighting, as was the case in the fight to bring Napoleon back to France. Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Iraq...
Almost every USA president has taken part in battles without moving a muscle themselves, it is others that do the fighting, as was the case in the fight to bring Napoleon back to France. Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Iraq...
Yep, that's why he's also known as Commander in Chief. Boss of all branches of the military.
Almost every USA president has taken part in battles without moving a muscle themselves.

Tell that to George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. H. Bush, or any of the 29 US presidents who served honorably in the military and in battle!