Pics that make you smile

Sitting at a desk writing orders is not engaging in battle. Those who follow the orders engage in battle.
Sitting at a desk writing orders is not engaging in battle. Those who follow the orders engage in battle.

You think these high ranking officers who later became presidents didn't start out as enlisted men who worked their way up in rank during major historical military conflicts, some of them sustaining major injuries? Read your history.
It's one of the quirks of the American political system that our President is also the top Military commander, but it seems to work well almost all of the time. And it seems to work best when the President has actual Military field experience which many have had :cool:

Those who personally know war are the ones who best know it's human costs and thus best try to avoid it ;)

Over here we will take anyone, i can name quite a few politicians that as far as i know have never had a actual full time job, so they come strait from a subsidized education system or at least in one case athlete which are also subsidized by Team Denmark tax money.
So all these people maybe have of work experience are a part time job at a 7 - 11 or something.
IMO you should have at least 16 years of actual work experience before being eligible for politics, and it have to be work in the private sector, public jobs do not count.
So this mean you will be in your 30ties before you can serve your country, but that's still young compared to some crusty old farts here, and we cant have these old people rule either must have some degree of freshness in politics.
I should maybe tell that Team Denmark is a organization that support our athletes ( with "tax"money form our national lottery and sports betting organization )
Its not like Team Denmark is code for going all red & withe and swell up to 2 X size with pride, it is a necessity for a little country if it want to play a little ball with the big boys in professional sports.
Aside for soccer there are precious few professional sports here you can live on.

Now if only beer drinking was a sport, i think we would do very well :p
Once as a happy amatur i could do ( with ease ) a 33cl beer in 3 seconds flat from a regular glass.
Back in the day, a leader would ask "will you follow me into battle"
These days, they write you a letter, ordering you to go, or else.
Far too many were shot simply because they refused to follow that order.
There'd be almost zero war if our leaders HAD to stand at the front & lead troops into battle (aside from the few loonies who firmly believe they have their gods on their side etc)
In the rear with the gear, and that's how far leaders go into battle.
And the excuse is their well being and existence are far too precious to risk,,,,, hence you go,,,,, or else.
I think back when Danes was a power factor, there was a mad dash to be at the front,,,,, from everyone., but those times are long gone now.
In the rear with the gear, and that's how far leaders go into battle.
These days they are probably in a different country with the advisors and their computers, at least when Napoleon was emperor he had to be somewhere on the battlefield with a good view so that he could see what was happening and issue orders, and apparently his horses got shot from under him fairly frequently so he must have been in some danger. Certainly didn't lead his troops though, he had others to do that just as we do today.
Yes even back then there was still a chance of getting captured on the field of battle as a leader, then that went south and killing on the battle field got industrialized and far more bloody.
I move to agree upon no armed conflict can legally be undertaken unless the supreme commander of both armies are on the ground and within 200 Km of the front line, that should make them stop and think.
Too tiny for my comfort, even if i don't bare the load of responsibility.
But later on kids are cool for a while, untill you find out all the good advise you gave them, well you might as well have been talking to a door.
Australia actually have a massive inland sea under it, even in the most remote deserts it bubble up to the surface here and there, one spring are actually called "the bubbler"
Thanks to these the Aussies could build the Ghan railway across the desert, and before that camel caravans run by Afghan people hence the "Ghan" name.


The same desert regions with the railway, often saw the tracks washed away by floods.
The Algebuckina railway bridge are testament to that area.

I know its not Sahara deserts all over the place, but really many a good man have died in that area in the good old days trying to stake a route across the place.

Hehe yeah it is probably far from home, i understand flood waters there can go as high as the train tracks on the bridge at times.
Hehe yeah it is probably far from home, i understand flood waters there can go as high as the train tracks on the bridge at times.
they'd be happy to see floodwaters, we've been in drought for too long now, some towns are out of water, turn on the tap and nothing comes out
As i recall i also heard it was only like once a decade floods,,, in the old normal days, will probably get more rare in a already dry region.
I hear the Koalas are in trouble too from drought and bush fires, too bad i cant come and start up Kamkars Koala rescue Center with some of my lotto millions.
I hear the Koalas are in trouble too from drought and bush fires, too bad i cant come and start up Kamkars Koala rescue Center with some of my lotto millions.
yeah a lot of them were wiped out in the recent bushfires, actually a gofundme was setup for one of the Koala rescue centers and I think they've raised around a million already, they had a target of around 50k so it was a big help