Pics that make you smile

I would take a nutter butter, just cuz now i have heard them mentioned so many times in movies and TV.
sorry to burst your bubble, but they aren't anything special. basically some dried out peanut butter in between 2 dry, crumbly cookies that are also sort of peanut-flavored. i like peanuts & peanut butter, but am not a fan of nutter butter.

i do like nutty bars though. they're similar to those thin layered sugar cookies, but with peanut butter in each layer instead of sugar, and then dipped in chocolate.
Yeah i am probably not going to like it :) peanut butter i have tried and really it don't do anything for me.
The only peanuts i have eaten are the spicy ones, like with a battering on them, regular salted peanuts i don't eat, and they have stopped making the spicy ones.
wonder how visible/effective that would be during the day though - @jokiin have you seen it during the day, or is it even still in use?
haven't seen it in action, there's no direct sunlight that would hit it where it is though so probably still ok during the day
There's a low bridge somewhere east of Houston, where they have chains hanging over the road about 500 feet before a bridge. Sign on the chains says "if you hit these chains, you'll hit that bridge!"

Seems like something simple like that could be done for the 11-8 bridge too.
Problem is that chains would do damage and there's a cross street just before the bridge where vehicles can turn away or into the bridge. Many people also gun it to beat the traffic lights it seems. I suspect many of the simple solutions have already been tried and what's left are probably more forceful solutions that may leave the city with more liabilities than just letting the inattentive drivers convert their box trucks into convertibles.


Seems like something simple like that could be done for the 11-8 bridge too.
Problem is that chains would do damage and there's a cross street just before the bridge where vehicles can turn away or into the bridge. Many people also gun it to beat the traffic lights it seems. I suspect many of the simple solutions have already been tried and what's left are probably more forceful solutions that may leave the city with more liabilities than just letting the inattentive drivers convert their box trucks into convertibles.

It's also a low speed area, further lessening the chance of vehicle damage.
haven't seen it in action

Maybe now with all the smoke they don't need to put on the water curtain, just turn on the projector.

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Maybe now with all the smoke they don't need to put on the water curtain, just turn on the projector.
could do, today is the first day I've seen clouds in a week, the smoke haze has been too thick to see though, it has been raining ash and black leaves for the past few days
Tape have no glue on it, its electrostatic tape.
could do, today is the first day I've seen clouds in a week, the smoke haze has been too thick to see though, it has been raining ash and black leaves for the past few days
Seems you only have yourselves to blame, I was quite surprised today to see that when it comes to CO2 pollution and the resulting heat and thus fires it produces, Australia is far worse than even the USA!

I'll have to post a link to the live map:
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I am not surprised the part of Denmark where out capitol is are 2 X compared to the rest of the country, but that is probably due to the population density over there as most of the people lice in the capitol.

BUT ! i will see it as a sign that the people there are filthy animals and we Juts was better off without them.

I don't get why our island Bornholm are ranked that high though, we have another smaller island calles Samso that are +100 % green.
"Samsø residents can now boast a carbon footprint of negative 12 tonnes per person per year, compared with a Danish average of 6.2 tonnes and 17 tonnes in Australia in 2015. "

I don't get why our island Bornholm are ranked that high though,
Because it burns a fair amount of dirty Biomass and Biomass is rated at 230g. Doesn't seem to matter if it is locally grown or imported, so the real figure might be quite different to what is shown, for example some Biomass used in the UK is home grown, and some is imported from USA, but both are counted at 230g for the figures that map is drawn from!

Really surprised at how dirty the Netherlands is, home of the windmill! Seems they burn a lot of coal, and they seem to be polluting the UK electricity because we import some electricity from them, but I suspect we are actually importing it from Denmark or the pump storage in Norway via Netherlands and it is actually green, so again the figures aren't quite correct.
we have another smaller island calles Samso that are +100 % green.
The UK's Orkney Islands are currently running at 130% green with the extra exported to UK mainland, I think that is the normal situation, the wind doesn't often stop up there! Still shown as 13g CO2 though.

The Faroe Islands (Denmark) are up at 17g because they use some hydro power and hydro power is less green than wind power! Iceland is really dirty in comparison at 28g because they have a lot of geothermal!
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There should be a law against slamming trucks, and you should need a permit to lift them.
Just like you need a permit if you do severe modifications to your race plane after the Reno Air race crash in 2011.