Pics that make you smile

This should include both political parties and not include Trumps name.

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O yeah thats today. ( just checked time/date in lower R corner of screen )

For me a good day as my little sister will make good food and feed her older brother with it, and today i dont even have to do anything,,,,,, maybe i have already done enough.
Also about time i have not had any proper food in 4 days.
OMG, I'm triskaidekaphobic o_O Why did you have to mention this and ruin my day? :cry:

I don't keep up with the calendar date much, and sometimes I even lose track of which day of the week it is :rolleyes: And I don't watch the clock much either :p I hate being a 'slave' to anyone and anything including clocks and calendars :mad: And I'm not much superstitious either, but I've found after-the-fact than many of the worst things which have happened to me occurred on Friday the 13th :eek: so I'm going to be extra-careful today.

Thanks for the warning and now where did I leave that darn tin hat... :ROFLMAO:
Same here Phil, not uncommon for me to be a day or two behind.
Friday 13 are sort of Halloween for me as i dont do that particular American tradition though all other Danes seen to be on board with it, but most times i only find out some time during the weekend that Friday was one of those ones.
But black cats or walking under ladders and breaking mirrors, well i dont care.
Awesome when you consider that 50 years ago there might not have been 16 billion transistors in the entire world :geek:

As I recall Moore's law is bumping up against the laws of physics and economics. It will not be much longer before Moore's law breaks itself. It was great for several decades. Despite progress being made some old and now slow processors are still in use in simple electronics like microwave ovens.

I am thinking of getting an android based car radio that has gps and can use backup and maybe forward facing cameras. Does anyone know what specs I should look for?
The days of choosing between a 286 and 486, between a sx and dx processor are long gone. I am not sure how to decipher modern tech specs.
As I recall Moore's law is bumping up against the laws of physics and economics. It will not be much longer before Moore's law breaks itself. It was great for several decades.
Many have been saying that for quite a long time and at times it appeared to be the case but Moore's Law continues to march forward!

Perhaps it is not still doubling every two years but the speeds and dramatic technical advances are still occurring.
I remember when CPU's crossed over 1 million transistors and i was like OMG thats insane.
NO ! the other left. :)
I know more than one :( but the one that gets to me worst is the friend who won't ever stop talking then tells me "Oh, we were supposed to turn back there!" :eek::mad:

A free 10 X 10 room and 3 meals a day sound good, that would be soooooo much cheaper for us Danes.
Honestly it is something i have argued for years, cuz giving people a full apartment and a allowance, well thats just a recipe for disaster.

So that one i am with Kamala Harris .

I am also wondering why people can not see that problem, which then turn me on to the idea that Danes must be brainswashed some way, or just extremely stupid.