Pics that make you smile

The days of choosing between a 286 and 486, between a sx and dx processor are long gone. I am not sure how to decipher modern tech specs
Yeah nobody's choosing 286/486... Now it's between core i3,i5,i7,i9, and even more flavors of ARM chips. Thankfully, plug n play actually works, so building stuff is a meme

Builds are easier now but there is so much to choose from that people like me who did it in the past are lost in the maze of pieces :( My next job is renovations at a small computer repair shop where I hope to be able to trade off some of my labor costs for a tower system which can handle 4K vid work :) I'll have to feel my way through on this as sometimes the money is worth more in the end ;) The biggest problem I've had with computers is getting the techies to understand that what I want matters more than what they think I need, and that problem has always existed with them :mad:

It is AMD time now, the new Ryzen 5600X 6/12 cores will tie you over fine for anything but intensive multi threaded stuff.

Inten Core I3-5-7-9 are so last year or years.

The only downside in these new AMD processors, they will probably be the last ones for the AM4 socket, but that have allso been there much longer than intel support any socket for their CPU's
But with a 500 series chipset and ideally one of the new AMD GFX cards like a 6800XT, you will be rocking for sure, and if you go by the 6 core 5600X you can upgrade to many more cores by just swapping the CPU.

Wednesday the AMD GFX cards get released, and Nvidia look to be taking the same beating Intel have gotten.
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Builds are easier now but there is so much to choose from that people like me who did it in the past are lost in the maze of pieces
Agree. I haven't built my own system in well over 10 years now for that reason. Much easier to get something 'off the shelf' and not have to worry about getting proper drivers, driver conflicts, etc. Go to the store, bring it home, open the box and have fun.
Actually, is the orange chetto.
I like comedians with angry routines, one of my favorites was Dennis Learys - no cure for cancer, and not forgetting Gorge Carlin.
I like comedians with angry routines, one of my favorites was Dennis Learys - no cure for cancer, and not forgetting Gorge Carlin.

Bill Burr is like that, I like it when he has a moan about drivers :)
Love that last pic :love: It's so true!

They can put my lazy ass in a Armani suit and what not fancy and expensive, i would not feel sharp due to that, i would probably feel pretty uncomfortable.
I saw a video of a trump guy picking up the trump signs on his front lawn, while some guy was playing that horn piece played at funerals :)
The guy just pulled up his trump signs and went inside.

I thought that was pretty fun, but ill be damned if i can find the video again.
I saw a video of a trump guy picking up the trump signs on his front lawn, while some guy was playing that horn piece played at funerals :)
The guy just pulled up his trump signs and went inside.

I thought that was pretty fun, but ill be damned if i can find the video again.
This one?
