Pics that make you smile

Hehe i can see that picture have been made with word.
Actually i have not tried using stuff like that, or other add ons from Microsoft, i leave the use of such things to professionals or other poor SOBs that are forced to crank out pie chart after pie chart instead of doing their job.

A lot of lying and very bad work going on here ATM, and sadly too little protesting over it.
But a few farmers and also fishermen found their way to larger towns here to protest, i can only say that the 500 tractors that made it to the capitol today, sadly they did not bring fully loaded manure spreaders and emptied them at the parliament, that would have been a sight to behold and smell. :)


Too bad there are not a million tractors in Denmark, and too bad not more are backing up the farmers.
Personally i am infuriated by the current government, make others i also not liked seem like nothing, even governments also spearheaded by damn socialists too.
Kids love their smartphones, but here 1 in 4 Danish girls think the pill also give protection from STDs :)
Really :rolleyes: thats the level of stupid i would expect from my own pre internet generation.
Those phones sure as hell are not making kids smarter.
Hehe i can see that picture have been made with word.
Actually i have not tried using stuff like that, or other add ons from Microsoft, i leave the use of such things to professionals or other poor SOBs that are forced to crank out pie chart after pie chart instead of doing their job.

A lot of lying and very bad work going on here ATM, and sadly too little protesting over it.
But a few farmers and also fishermen found their way to larger towns here to protest, i can only say that the 500 tractors that made it to the capitol today, sadly they did not bring fully loaded manure spreaders and emptied them at the parliament, that would have been a sight to behold and smell. :)

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Too bad there are not a million tractors in Denmark, and too bad not more are backing up the farmers.
Personally i am infuriated by the current government, make others i also not liked seem like nothing, even governments also spearheaded by damn socialists too.
Chicken and pork manure would have made the perfect way for those farmers to make a noticeable statement. Spreading it everywhere would have made it a longer lasting reminder to the local authorities for their raised objections...
Hehe not that police here often use water cannons, but i would go up against one of those any day VS a manure cannon.
And i think it would teach them, who is working for who, cuz politicians i am sure think the people are there to facilitate them, and police i am not sure about, but as they them self cant even uphold the simplest and most important rules them self my trust in them get lower and lower.

Last time was the flag scandal, when police stole flags from random people on sidewalks, as they wanted to wave those ( Tebetan flags ) as a visiting Chinese drove by,,,,,,, and waving any flag here are legal.
And now with the mink they have called mink owners and threatened them if they did not put down their animals, which also have absolutely no law to stand on, and again everyone are washing hands.
And our skank PM, well strait faced say, well if i get the chance like corona i would break the Danish constitution again :mad:

IMO i like the collage some farmer had on his tractor, the way the politicians are acting here, do remind me of certain people in Germany in the 30ties.
So i salute his photo shopping :LOL:

Kids love their smartphones, but here 1 in 4 Danish girls think the pill also give protection from STDs :)
Really :rolleyes: thats the level of stupid i would expect from my own pre internet generation.
Those phones sure as hell are not making kids smarter.
To be fair, people thought the pill protected against STDs way before smart phones existed. It's why they had to print that warning on the package. Just like the warnings on other products, like don't use the hair dryer in the tub/shower, and don't stick metal things in the toaster.

People are %®^ing stupid and you know it
Over here we dont have that degree of warnings on things, parents are supposed to tell kids to not eat lighters or jam metal things into the wall socket.
Mind you the warnings are there on many things, but i think only as companies go by the worst case scenario in regard to liability.
hehe yeah everybody are looking for a excuse to be butt hurt, i assume in some way i am too with my "sudden" interest in confrontation.

A 28 yo guy was jumped yesterday by 16 - 17 and 20 YO kids wanting his backpack with various stuff in it, they also got it alright but all 3 are arrested now.
Robberies like that was not at all a thing when i was young, you might well get knocked the hell out but no one jumped on your face or kicked you or ran off with anything of yours as you lay there.

I assume it is part of what librals praise as cultural enrichment,,,,, though to be it mostly seem to swing in the opposite direction, but of course the identety of the 3 kids have not been revealed yet, i just have my suspicions.
:LOL: H5N8 should not affect people, but birds are dropping left and right with it here, actually a entire chicken farm not many miles from where i sit was terminated a few days ago.

As Frank Zappa sang, dont eat the yellow snow.
That sign would literally blow most Danes mind, metaphorically like taking a "bite" of a 12 gauge shotgun.
For me a person just stuck in Denmark it seem very reasonable and sane.
Yeah, no matter what many low wage jobs will get flipped for a robot to take care of, even skilled jobs like painter ASO, sure it still take a guy to program and set up the robot, but like CNC machines you will end up running from one robot to the next where 2-3-4 men use to work.
I do not use the DIY checkout lines when i am shopping, i despise them, and if nothing else is a option i will find another place to shop.
And i would not order at a screen in any burger or pizza joint.

These places are just about the only places where i have interaction with other humans.