Pics that make you smile

Hehe yeah i saw that earlier, wonder when we Danes will start celebrating that too as it seem every other US holiday we have adopted.
I sure wish Danes would be a little more bold and adventurous, it cant be that hard coming up with out own holidays.
Hehe yeah i saw that earlier, wonder when we Danes will start celebrating that too as it seem every other US holiday we have adopted.
I sure wish Danes would be a little more bold and adventurous, it cant be that hard coming up with out own holidays.

Yeah, it's a classic portrait of Lincoln; one of my favorites. Something about his intense gaze directly into the camera lens really captures his essence. You can really see the toll his presidency and the Civil War has taken on him. It was taken on February 5th, 1865 by the photographer Alexander Gardner.
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actually pretty good pics they could make back then, if only people would sit still :)
I like that sign.
Very relevant to my country, even if it have elevated aspects in society in regard to boat size / ownership.
Most Danes are in a bellyboat and some just have a pool noodle or nothing, and sadly everyone think they are on a big ass cruiser.
As the fraud with peoples money and identity theft continue, the public office charged with this do squat.
All Danes must have what we call a "nem konto" ( easy account ) which is basically peoples bank account, so when peoples "nem id" ( easy identification ) get stolen, things start to happen fast.
Often you will see money - pensions - wages of upward of 100 "hacked" people getting funneled into the same "easy account" set up by the thieves, and even that do not make any bells ring at the people in charge.
And the excuses that branch in charge come up with are like 4 YO excuses, so lame i feel like jumping in my car drive across the country and start spanking someone.

I swear if it wasent nem ( easy ) to be a Dane, everyone would run away screaming, so many incompetent idiots here its like a asylum.

One way peoples ID get stolen is that they have been using their "nem" id on say a library computer, which have been fitted with a key logger in a USB port or in a keyboard.
Apparently scanning public computers for such a thing have not even entered the mind of people in charge.
So the thieves log into the victims "nem" id, report the "nem" id lost so a new one will be sent along with a new password, they then guard the victims mail box ( which are no longer at the house or apartment door, but as close to the road as possible, and so even harder to keep a eye on )
They then grab the new key-card and password, and then they set to work, stealing money, making loans in the victims name ASO
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I have never used online banking or anything that can allow anyone to use my information to steal what is rightfully mine.
That simple approach solves a lot of problems related to computer crimes.
I am also steering clear of online banking, or say use a phone to pay for something, and the visa card i do have well i do not use it in stores, only for online shopping.
And as i have it in my wallet i have run a drill thru the rfid chip in the card.
Otherwise i am all cash, which would mean a massive amount of problems if i was to win the lottery.

1: banks do not have cash.
2: i cant pay for a new car in cash, no car is that cheap that would make it legal.
3: i couldn't even go and cash buy some luxury products, say i wanted to blow 20.000 USD on a watch,,,,, not in cash in Denmark, the seller are not allowed to take cash in that amount.

so i hope i win large enough and i can move to a more sane country.

And this pretty much are to blame that no one have any balls to do something about the drug market, or regular financial fraud in the country,,,,,,, :rolleyes: and of course as always then regular honest people are to suffer.

BTW due to a error in the most popular mobile pay app here, many 1000 people have been billed 2 times for purchases made recently. :rolleyes::cautious:
2: i cant pay for a new car in cash, no car is that cheap that would make it legal.
3: i couldn't even go and cash buy some luxury products, say i wanted to blow 20.000 USD on a watch,,,,, not in cash in Denmark, the seller are not allowed to take cash in that amount.
same here, 10k limit on cash transactions, government effort to try and kill the black economy
Well they created it, they fix it,,,,,, but we are the ones who have to pay for it.
I could fix most of the problems with a few draconian undertakings, its not really that hard if you have genuine will.

One of the richest guys here ( Lego family ) just put a car thru the ice on the mote surrounding his residence, sadly it was not the Rolls Royce but just one of the new Suzuki jimny.
You can pay for anything with cash here, but any cash transactions over $5K have to be reported to the Feds so they can check for money laundering and to be sure taxes were paid on the cash. Our Federal Reserve Notes say they are "Legal Tender for all debts public and private" but it's also legal for businesses to refuse to accept cash based on reasons of safety against potential robbery. Worst of all is that most State governments won't accept cash for a lot of things- ostensibly "safety reasons' but the truth is that they don't trust their employees and they're probably right about that o_O

You can't stop the 'black market' economies anywhere. If they can't use banknotes for currency they'll use something else or use schemes to circumvent laws. The real drive behind e-money is two-fold: for each transaction several persons or companies make a small profit on you behind the scenes, and for personal control where they can take away everything you've got (including your identity) with a few keystrokes :mad: Everything in life is about power and profit except love and friendship ;)

You can pay for anything with cash here, but any cash transactions over $5K have to be reported to the Feds so they can check for money laundering and to be sure taxes were paid on the cash.

Actually Phil, you're referring to the Bank Secrecy Act and the amount that triggers reporting is $10,000.00.

"The Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 (BSA), also known as the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act, is a U.S. law requiring financial institutions in the United States to assist U.S. government agencies in detecting and preventing money laundering. Specifically, the act requires financial institutions to keep records of cash purchases of negotiable instruments, file reports if the daily aggregate exceeds $10,000, and report suspicious activity that may signify money laundering, tax evasion, or other criminal activities."

"A currency transaction report (CTR) reports cash transactions exceeding $10,000 in one business day, regardless of whether it's in one transaction or several cash transactions."
I cant see it as being a problem, say i just won 200 mill in the lottery, chance are i have loads of my own cash to burn, and i sure are not going to team up with the Russian mob to launder their money,,,,,, Danish banks seem to be doing that just fine.
Here they also just lowered the amount you can have free in your account, so now over 100.000 DKkr in the bank and you have to pay the bank to hold your money.

And 100.000 DKkr barely buy you any bottom of the barrel car,,,,,,, its a joke i think, the reason of course is the banks put the money in the national bank, and it charge them to hold the money, and so that is passed on to the banking customers.