Pics that make you smile

Imagine how it is in lesser countries :)

Some years ago, someone just waltzed into a army barracks here and left with a substantial load out of automatic weapons, as i recall the 1 guard was subdued,,,,,, he probably had 5 blanks in his gun.
My friend while serving was giver guard duty, he refused until he was given at least a magazine of live ammo for his H&K G3, and that did not happen overnight he spent a few days in barracks arrest first.

I think it is pretty normal for army guards here to not be armed,,,, like really armed, they just look the part and thats supposed to scare people off.
We kids ran around on a local army shooting range, not when they was shooting of course, and the guards was helpless though back then if it became bad they did have and use rubber bullets, but thats then before Denmark got a estrogen enema and lost its manhood.

That mean in the late 70ties or there about,,,,,, so much for viking country. :rolleyes:
Did you know the founder of Amazon, he is actually "Danish" and once had the Sir name Jorgensen / Jørgensen.
But his looser Danish dad screwed that up too, and the kid got a much more supportive step dad, and good for him or Jeff would probably be flipping burgers today.
It is okay when rich people "slum" it.


It is often far worse when poor people "slum" it CUZ then it very often turn really nasty.

Too bad Danish kids learn conformity, i sure as well would not put a child of mine thru public school here.
If you transferred that part alone to the US, you will come home one day and find your child had sold all your guns for scrap metal and your 2 nice cars replaces by some anemic little hybrid.
And all of your garden turned into a sustainable veggie garden, and the kid have spend 200 grand on insulating your home + he have signed up the whole family for socialist yoga class.
Cultures :) :eek:

This is from a interesting doku.
Or those theories start to look more like fact.

Really? QAnon theories will start to look more like fact? Please explain.

In the meantime, while we're waiting:

QAnon's first prediction was that Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested and would attempt to flee the country. This prediction failed.

Other failed predictions include:
  1. The "Storm" would take place on November 3, 2017. There were no notable events in US politics on that day.
  2. The "Storm" would take place on January 20, 2021, the day of Biden's inauguration. No coup took place and Biden was peacefully inaugurated.
  3. A major event involving the Department of Defense would take place on February 1, 2018.
  4. People targeted by the president would commit suicide en masse on February 10, 2018. No prominent people committed suicide that day.
  5. There would be a car bombing in London around February 16, 2018. There was no bombing.
  6. The Trump military parade would "never be forgotten". The parade was canceled.
  7. The Five Eyes "won't be around much longer." It has not been terminated.
  8. Something major would happen in Chongqing on April 10, 2018. Nothing notable happened in Chongqing that day.
  9. There would be a "bombshell" revelation about North Korea in May 2018. There were no notable developments.
  10. A "smoking gun" video of Hillary Clinton would emerge in March 2018. No video appeared.
  11. Multiple failed predictions that John McCain would resign from the US Senate. McCain remained in the Senate until his death in August 2018.
  12. Multiple failed predictions that Mark Zuckerberg would leave Facebook and flee the United States. Zuckerberg remains CEO of Facebook as of January 2021.
  13. Multiple failed predictions that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would be forced to resign. Dorsey remains CEO of Twitter as of January 2021.
  14. Multiple failed predictions that Pope Francis would be arrested on felony charges. Francis has not been arrested.
  15. Multiple failed predictions that "something big" would happen or the truth would emerge "next week."
  16. Multiple failed predictions that Donald Trump would be re-inaugurated on January 20, 2021 despite losing the election. Joe Biden was inaugurated as planned on January 20.
Of course, we also had Pizzagate. (A detailed conspiracy theory known as "Pizzagate" holds that a pedophile ring is operating out of the basement of a Clinton-linked pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong. [which apparently doesn't even have a basement] ).

Here is every QAnon prediction that’s failed to come true

Those Q guys can praise them self lucky they are not Russians, but then again many people probably do that cuz those poor Russian people have suffered a lot in the past 100 years.
They dident even predict the Game stock stock boom and it was right there on reddit.

I predict that i turn off my computer within 120 seconds, and then right after that proceed to the toilet to do my pre-bedtime warm up.
And it is only 9:25 in the evening here.
I always get a kick out of QAnon ascribing all these cryptic predictions to a secretive guy named "Q".

Q is the fictional character in the James Bond films and novels. Q like M, is a job title rather than a name. He is the head of Q Branch, the fictional research and development division of the British Secret Service.

Really? QAnon theories will start to look more like fact? Please explain.
I don't think the issue is that they are facts, more that people that get sucked into this world go down the rabbit hole and end up believing things to be factual, I have a friend like that, always banging on about chemtrails, government controlling the weather, wake up sheeple and do your own research, that sort of stuff, I don't take anything he says seriously but he's 100% invested in his alternate facts and no amount of logical discussion can convince him otherwise, he's someone that I just keep at arms length, he has others that agree with what he says, scary stuff sometimes
I don't think the issue is that they are facts, more that people that get sucked into this world go down the rabbit hole and end up believing things to be factual, I have a friend like that, always banging on about chemtrails, government controlling the weather, wake up sheeple and do your own research, that sort of stuff, I don't take anything he says seriously but he's 100% invested in his alternate facts and no amount of logical discussion can convince him otherwise, he's someone that I just keep at arms length, he has others that agree with what he says, scary stuff sometimes
I was responding to country_hick's comment that, "those theories start to look more like fact" in his reply to @Borg's post about teaching kids about critical thinking and the lack of intelligence among the "Q" crowd. Country-hick seems to have a propensity to buy into these sort of conspiracy theories whether it is that Trump really won the election, climate change denial and dubious political propaganda he likes to post about.

I have a similar conspiracy theory friend (and his wife). I think we all know someone like that these days. Actually, I saw a UFO one time and it turned out to be a famous sighting that books have been written about. It sparked a long time interest in the subject but as for what the phenomenon is all about I have no idea. :alien:
I have a similar conspiracy theory friend (and his wife). I think we all know someone like that these days.
the internet, and the ease it which information can be spread these days certainly has its downsides, no matter how ridiculous something sounds there seems to be someone out there that is fully invested in the spin, sad state of affairs really
the internet, and the ease it which information can be spread these days certainly has its downsides, no matter how ridiculous something sounds there seems to be someone out there that is fully invested in the spin, sad state of affairs really

You're Q aren't you?! :smuggrin: