Pics that make you smile

IF ! the rover land on Mars today.
And IF it work.
Then it will start to look for life up there, and IF there is the proof of that will be BECUZ of Danes, in specific the PIXL camera ( X-ray florescence camera ) the most advanced camera ever to land on Mars
PIXL = Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry. and it is made in a basement in Lyngby - Denmark.

Coverage has started, hope it manages a better landing than Starship SN9, would be a waste otherwise since we don't get to see the explosion because there will be no cameras there!

Lets hope so, the Danish work on the rover have taken 7 years by god know how many people.
But about 50% of missions to Mars have ended in failure so far, so not something i would place a bet on.

Watching on Danish TV, not long ago the journalist said " lets hope it land on dry land" :rolleyes:
Watching on Danish TV, not long ago the journalist said " lets hope it land on dry land" :rolleyes:
It is supposed to be landing in an ancient lake, I was wondering if it is able to swim just in case there is an unexpected flood!

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IF ! the rover land on Mars today.
And IF it work.
Then it will start to look for life up there, and IF there is the proof of that will be BECUZ of Danes, in specific the PIXL camera ( X-ray florescence camera ) the most advanced camera ever to land on Mars
PIXL = Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry. and it is made in a basement in Lyngby - Denmark.

Looks like the CCD for 2 of the other cameras was developed by a company here in Essex, UK:

Chelmsford, UK, July 28, 2020 – Teledyne e2v, a Teledyne Technologies [NYSE: TDY] company and part of the Teledyne Imaging Group, provide its CCD42-10 image sensor to drive two of the instruments, SuperCam and SHERLOC, on board NASA’s Mars Rover Perseverance, scheduled to launch July 30th at 07:50 Eastern Time.
DUT was also in on the development of one of the other cameras, and the Niels Bhor institute also worked on one of the cameras. though here as i recall the 2 institutes worked on the image processing side of things.

One of the cameras it can focus on and see just fine, a fly a football ( soccer ) field away, thats a pretty good zoom weather it is optical or digital.

But any sign of life will probably be very small so the PIXL camera will probably be the one to take that picture for the newspapers.

Too bad they do not have a video camera on board, i would have loved to see that little drone take flight.
Too bad they do not have a video camera on board, i would have loved to see that little drone take flight.
They do:

The mission also carries a weather station and the first camera on Mars with a zoom function. That camera system, located on top of Perseverance’s remote sensing mast to be raised this weekend, is named Mastcam-Z and will record video and 360-degree panoramas.
Too bad they do not have a video camera on board, i would have loved to see that little drone take flight.

Turns out they also had a video camera on the jetpack lander. NASA just released an amazing video screen grab from a camera on the jetpack lander capturing the rover drop in midair, just before the wheels touched down.


They also released the first full color image shot from Perseverance.


and a shot of one of the wheels.


For scale:

That picture from the jetpack lander looks amazing.

Would be great if we could get some panoramic shots from the top of the rover, not sure where all the cameras are!
About same tire size as my car it seem. :) that is Diameter, that wide tires on my car would render it totally illegal.
That picture from the jetpack lander looks amazing.

Would be great if we could get some panoramic shots from the top of the rover, not sure where all the cameras are!

Yes, the panoramas are coming! And more, no doubt.

Mastcam-Z - An advanced camera system with panoramic and stereoscopic imaging capability with the ability to zoom. The instrument also will determine mineralogy of the Martian surface and assist with rover operations.

Record setting 18 YO Danish punk.

So back in early January this kid with a brand new license borrowed his dads car, and that turned out to be a right old mess. :rolleyes:

Cops caught on to him doing well over the 130 km/h speed limit on the motorway, they then set after him, and thats when it really went sour.
So in the following minutes driving around 37 km on various roads, the kid raked up fines for a total of 130.000 DKkr ( 29.095 USD )
And this are with the relaxed current rules, much stricter rules for what we call insanity driving are on the way, which among other things is going 100 % over the limit, and the kid did that 10 times.
The new rules would also have meant his dads car would have been taken ( permanently ) and also jail time for the punk kid, but sadly those new rules are not in effect just yet.

It will probably be 10 years before the kid can go take the driving test again and get a license. :)

I hope the police dashcam footage get released, it was all filmed of course. :giggle:

I’m seriously looking forward to seeing this footage - if you ever spot it online, please give us a heads up! [emoji2][emoji106]

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Excellent! I kept thinking of THIS Q (played to spectacular effect by John De Lancie) all along [emoji1787]

Wait! Just how many Qs are there anyway? :unsure: This is getting confusing.
Maybe all the different Qs are really the same person? Now THERE's a conspiracy theory for you! :smuggrin:
That picture from the jetpack lander looks amazing.

Would be great if we could get some panoramic shots from the top of the rover, not sure where all the cameras are!

Here's some more info about Perseverance's cameras. There are 23 cams on the mission!

The robotic arm Watson camera is cool. It is the one used to shoot selfies and do self inspection closeups on the rover (among other duties).

I've been spending some time over the last couple of days perusing NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover web site and it is absolutely fascinating. It's where the above images and links came from, of course.

So, I came across a factoid that kind of blew my mind! The two matched onboard computers on the rover are:

  • Processor
    Radiation-hardened central processor with PowerPC 750 Architecture: a BAE RAD 750
    Operates at up to 200 megahertz speed, 10 times the speed in Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity's computers
  • Memory
    2 gigabytes of flash memory (~8 times as much as Spirit or Opportunity)
    256 megabytes of dynamic random access memory
    256 kilobytes of electrically erasable programmable read-only memory

So what this means is that the Perseverance Mars Rover is essentially using somewhat modernized architecture that dates back to 1997 and into the early 2000s. It's basically kind of an Apple iMac or PowerPC G3! :facepalm: The first iMac used these chips.

Actually, a lot of spacecraft (and other devices) use these chips. They are apparently well suited for it and highly reliable, small and have low power consumption. The radiation hardened ones are pretty pricey too!
Comparing the specs on the modern computer I'm sitting in front of with those onboard the rover it seems remarkable what they can accomplish.

PowerPC 7xx family

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This hurts to think about.

View attachment 55519

Sure, but that's a highly misleading statement because most of that money didn't go to individual citizens on a per capita basis but to foreign governments and their leaders who spent it on a variety of national needs and wants including such things as weaponry.

The idea with the $600 dollar stimulus package was to assist individual citizens of our own country during an economic and unemployment crisis caused by a once in a century pandemic with the goal of helping them out and thus also supporting our struggling economy.

The premise of your "meme" is a classic example of what is known as a false equivalency.
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