Pics that make you smile

Well working Danes got more ( though in honest their own money they got so in truth they got nothing ) we Danes on welfare / pensioners ASO well we got 1000 DKkr / 162 USD,,,,,, thats how rich we are / the price out politicians put on our head.
Sure, but that's a highly misleading statement because most of that money didn't go to individual citizens on a per capita basis but to foreign governments and their leaders who spent it on a variety of national needs and wants including such things as weaponry.

The idea with the $600 dollar stimulus package was to assist individual citizens of our own country during an economic and unemployment crisis caused by a once in a century pandemic with the goal of helping them out and thus also supporting our struggling economy.

The premise of your "meme" is a classic example of what is known as a false equivalency.

The false equivalency is obvious, but totally not the point:

1- If we can send that much money to foreign governments, including ones who don't have our bests interests at heart, then our government takes too much of our money.

2 - If we have that much money to spread around, we should be spending it here at home before we spread it around to other nations. There are plenty of worthy causes that would help needy Americans much more than sprinkling 600 bucks on everybody.

3 - $600 isn't ****. Won't even pay most taxpayers' mortgages for a month. Doesn't even make a dent in the problem for most folks who really are suffering.

4 - The bill signed by President Trump in December that provides it added $900 BILLION to the national debt. Debt that our children will inherit.

5 - Most uninformed taxpayers are overjoyed that our benevolent government is doling out 600 bucks to them instead of asking why they're taking so much of our money in the first place. Which is exactly what the government wants.

There are probably more points, but that's just off the top of my head at first glance.
instead of asking why they're taking so much of our money in the first place.

This guy is never ever moving to Denmark, CUZ then his mind would just go BOOOOM on that one matter alone :)
But yeah taking more or less of peoples money, and what those money are spent on, that would make most sane peoples mind explode
For instance i think with the price for buying and owning / operating a car in Denmark, well all of our roads should be in top condition, they should be heated and all curbs should be gold plated, in that case i could understand it.
But thats not how things are here, and so my mind go BOOOOOM
Actually for the price on being a Dane, pretty much everything here should be second to none as our tax level are second to none,,,,,,,, but on many things you will find is Danes much longer down the list.
And our happiness score, well i personally put no value on that at all, i more see it as a result of the amount of anti depressives and legal and illegal drugs consumed here.
The best government is the least government, which means you'll have to do more for yourself, but you'll have more to do it with as you'll not be paying for yet another government leech to take your money then hand part of it back to you while keeping the rest for themselves :cool:

$600 is a big chunk of money for me and a lot of other people I know. I can (and will) put it to good use. I have no children so no problem to me directly, but we're putting our burden onto future generations in such an amount that it is going to crush them and along with them our Nation. We're already past the point of having any possibility of covering our National debt even if everyone gave every dime they make to the cause forever :eek: so I'm not sure what really matters anymore. Instead of creating a "Perseverance" to take us well into the future we've made our NJation a "Titanic" instead with the outcome a foregone conclusion :cry:

There's only one way forward for the US and nobody will like it so it won't happen, and anything resembling it without the proper objectives being sought will only make things worse. I'm probably not going to be around for the last scene in this picture show, a fact I'm thankful for because I hate sad endings. I'm just hoping things don't GTH too badly before I die :rolleyes:

This guy is never ever moving to Denmark, CUZ then his mind would just go BOOOOM on that one matter alone :)
But yeah taking more or less of peoples money, and what those money are spent on, that would make most sane peoples mind explode
For instance i think with the price for buying and owning / operating a car in Denmark, well all of our roads should be in top condition, they should be heated and all curbs should be gold plated, in that case i could understand it.
But thats not how things are here, and so my mind go BOOOOOM
Actually for the price on being a Dane, pretty much everything here should be second to none as our tax level are second to none,,,,,,,, but on many things you will find is Danes much longer down the list.
And our happiness score, well i personally put no value on that at all, i more see it as a result of the amount of anti depressives and legal and illegal drugs consumed here.


Spent some time living in various countries in Europe--not long, few months at a time, long enough to get to know and chat with local neighbors.

Always made it a point to find and visit gun shops wherever I could. Struck up a conversation with a gun shop owner in Germany, and we got to taxes. When I told him what I could buy the shotgun we were looking at for in the States, and what the taxes would be on it, he was flabbergasted.

When I told him what my combined federal and state income tax rate was (about 18% total at the time), I was sure he was going to have a stroke... And I thought MINE was high. That poor guy was giving his government over 50% of his personal income.
The "freedom" sold over here have a different taste, the Danish sales tax are 25% if you get a parcel from another country the parcel handler are allowed and will charge 160 DKkr to handle it ( thats a good hourly wage for a unskilled worker ) but it do not take 1 hour to clear customs on a parcel i am sure.
After that come import duties, which depending on what it is can be from 0 to a obscene amount of the sales price.

But not least that handling fee, it pretty much do that for instance buying a spare part for a RC car in the US, that would pretty much double the price at least.

I too have talked to people around the world in countries that are comparable to my own country, and as far as i understand they pretty much have the same general service level for the citizens but at a much lower cost.

So my mind constantly revert to Shakespeare's Hamlet and the " there is something rotten in the state of Denmark" line of this play.
The false equivalency is obvious, but totally not the point:

1- If we can send that much money to foreign governments, including ones who don't have our bests interests at heart, then our government takes too much of our money.

2 - If we have that much money to spread around, we should be spending it here at home before we spread it around to other nations. There are plenty of worthy causes that would help needy Americans much more than sprinkling 600 bucks on everybody.

3 - $600 isn't ****. Won't even pay most taxpayers' mortgages for a month. Doesn't even make a dent in the problem for most folks who really are suffering.

4 - The bill signed by President Trump in December that provides it added $900 BILLION to the national debt. Debt that our children will inherit.

5 - Most uninformed taxpayers are overjoyed that our benevolent government is doling out 600 bucks to them instead of asking why they're taking so much of our money in the first place. Which is exactly what the government wants.

There are probably more points, but that's just off the top of my head at first glance.

I agree with some of your points but I also think you are oversimplifying things, especially the nuances, motivations and needs for foreign aid as a tool of foreign policy. It is a method of protecting regional national interests around the world and projecting power and influence. Every major power does this. With the US it is conducted via long established channels that support specific goals such as the U.S. Economic Support Fund (ESF), Foreign Military Financing (FMF), the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, De-mining and Related (NADR) programs, International Military Education and Training (IMET) and International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE) programs. Nobody is just dropping money from helicopters without a plan.

Israel and Egypt are two of the largest recipients of US aid and about 90% of it goes to the purchase of weaponry and military training due to the ongoing conflicts in the middle east. Ukraine is also one of the largest recipients on the list that was posted and this is entirely for the purchase of weapons to support their government in their ongoing conflict with Russia on their eastern border which is directly connected with the interests of NATO. Interestingly, the congressionally approved funds said to have gone to Ukraine happens to be the funding that President Trump threatened to withhold from them unless they initiated an investigation into Trump's political rival Joe Biden and his son and which led directly to his first impeachment, but that's another story.

Significant aid has been provided to Sudan as well - for three key objectives: a definitive end to conflict, ending human rights abuses and genocide in Darfur; implementation of the north-south Comprehensive Peace Agreement and ensuring that Sudan does not provide a safe haven for international terrorists.

While I may not necessarily agree with how, how much and where the US spends large sums of money around the world this is how foreign policy works and one way or another it is a vital expense of government.

Spending money or taking on debt to deal with a national emergency like a pandemic is far different that spending funds for traditional foreign aid. There has never been a time in US history where the nation has hesitated to take on debt during a national crisis or emergency. This happened during the Civil War, World War I, the Great Depression and especially World War II. In each case, it eventually led to greater economic prosperity for the nation and the eventual paying down of the incurred emergency debt. The deficit spending for WWII for example and the recovery that followed the war led to the powerful economic boom of the 1950s and 1960s. It is thought that a similar thing may happen when the pandemic finally ends but we need to get there first.

We happen to be in the worst economic contraction since the Great Depression. Due to COVID we have far exceeded the number of deaths of US citizens that occurred during World War II. COVOD-19 is like a war in that sense as 510,091 US citizens have died since the pandemic began. Some parts of the economy are doing well but a great many are undergoing great hardship. Vast numbers of people have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. People are losing their homes and being evicted from their apartments. Many businesses have failed. Without government intervention our economy could tip from recession to depression which would have devastating long term consequences far worse than our current debt levels and that would lead to even greater creation of debt down the line. The idea of these large stimulus packages is to help the people and the economy along until the pandemic subsides.

What you may feel is "600 bucks sprinkled on everybody" what actually happens is that each $600 payment gets spent into the economy and helps everyone as the money circulates. And 600 dollars may not seem like a lot to you but that buys a lot of food for a struggling family. And the trillions of dollars provided by the Care Act and the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund actually are buying things that are worthwhile, highly beneficial and doing what they are intended to do. One cool and very visible example here in Vermont is the "Everyone Eats" program. The program uses federal and state funding to pay restaurants to create take out meals that are given out daily to anyone in need upon request, no registration or paperwork required. Just ask for as many meals as you may need for your family. It was started locally in my home town as a pilot program and was immediately so successful it spread throughout the entire state. The program provides nutritious gourmet quality meals to people in need of food assistance, but is also a stabilizing source of income for Vermont restaurants, farmers, food producers and other workers. The program has been transformational and has keep many restaurants and small farms in business that would otherwise have gone under by now. Many of these farms and specialty food producers supply the restaurant and hospitality industry but all that came to an abrupt halt with the pandemic. This is where some of the Federal relief funding got "sprinkled".

I certainly understand how you feel about the national debt. Our debt levels are indeed a major concern that needs to be addressed. Nevertheless, I believe you are missing something here. If you read what many well respected mainstream economists and economic advisors are saying, if you to need to take on large amounts of additional debt to deal with a national emergency, now is the time to do it. Interest and lending rates are at zero or near zero! If a nation takes on a lot of additional debt at little or no borrowing costs then it becomes fairly easy to pay it off once the economy recovers after the crisis subsides.
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I hear the minuteman 3 missiles are up for renewal again, and this time no "Bama" to say no.
Thats one way to spend 900 billion ( or whatever the amount was ) i just wish we Danes could buy 2 -3 of those so we also was able to personally retaliate.
CUZ i am not sure if say in the old days where Denmark was targeted for a few nukes of the smaller kind to make it more easy for the occupying force, that would have prompted our nuke having alliance friends to then nuke who ever nuked us Danes.

Also the minuteman 3 candles are pretty damn old, from the 60 or 70ties as i recall, so about time for a upgrade of at least the delivery part of the system ( unsure if actual MERV warheads would need a upgrade )
Prepost EDIT : I think the warheads are also up for a update though, my memory are not so good when i am reading the news while on the can. :)

The Danish credit rating are AAA ( the best one )
The US credit rating are AA+

Only 10 countries ATM have the AAA credit rating, and IMO these should who is in the G "some number" club, and not countries that have the biggest P,,,, / Sword.

Meaning i want to see a world where the nice kids run the playground and not the bullies, the bullies will do what bullies do anyway, so no need to give them a additional say in anything.
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That poor guy was giving his government over 50% of his personal income.

We're doing that too, just that most of our taxes are 'hidden' from view because we're not paying them directly. Inventory tax for distributors and manufacturers, taxes when goods change hands and when they are carried elsewhere, taxes on environmental issues, "luxury" taxes on common goods, taxes on the water we drink and taxed again for what we pee it out into the sewers- and that just scratches the surface. Ages ago I did the digging and figuring, and as a self-employed single person living a cheap and simple life I was paying about 68% of my gross income to taxes of one form or another :eek: There were likely more taxes I couldn't or didn't find. Dig it up for yourself, do not believe me. for my words will seem like those of a madman otherwise Explain to my why a refrigerator is a 'luxury' as is a car or phone. Tell me why you pay taxes for holding something unsold when you paid taxes to get it and while someone else will pay taxes on it again when you sell it to them even if you take a loss in that sale. Your income tax rate is kept low to make you think you're not paying too much so we don't overthrow the b@$+@&*$. When the US revolted against England, it was over a total tax rate of 17% which was considered to be hugely excessive. If that figure is bad then 68% certainly is as well :mad:

Look all this up yourself, find out the truth. Once you do you'll wish you hadn't because all your peace will be gone forever :cry: So maybe better that you just fuggedaboutit and be the docile slave they want us to be, for it is something we cannot explain well enough to the future generations- when the house of cards we pass on to them collapses they will hate us, and rightfully so :cautious: I just hope the collapse is after I die and I'm comforted in knowing that death will probably be coming along soon for me.

"Where there’s no ill, no grief, but sleep has mending, Naught broken save this body, lost but breath; Nothing to shake the laughing heart’s long peace there, But only agony, and that has ending; And the worst friend and enemy is but Death." ("Peace" by Rupert Brooke)

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Here we pay a little over 30% on income, but add on sales taxes ( if you spend your money ) and gasoline taxes CO2 taxes and what not ( Denmark have a lot of taxes ) then yes the total is we pay over 50% in tax.
And i for one do not feel in the slightest that we get our money worth, i wholehearted feel Denmark could be a even better and richer country.

And while we have public healthcare and what not, Danes are still encuraged to get a private health insurance too, which i can only see as a signal that the welfare system here is about to get phased out,,,,,, without lowering taxes correspondingly.
We're doing that too, just that most of our taxes are 'hidden' from view because we're not paying them directly. Inventory tax for distributors and manufacturers, taxes when goods change hands and when they are carried elsewhere, taxes on environmental issues, "luxury" taxes on common goods, taxes on the water we drink and taxed again for what we pee it out into the sewers- and that just scratches the surface. Ages ago I did the digging and figuring, and as a self-employed single person living a cheap and simple life I was paying about 68% of my gross income to taxes of one form or another :eek: There were likely more taxes I couldn't or didn't find. Dig it up for yourself, do not believe me. for my words will seem like those of a madman otherwise Explain to my why a refrigerator is a 'luxury' as is a car or phone. Tell me why you pay taxes for holding something unsold when you paid taxes to get it and while someone else will pay taxes on it again when you sell it to them even if you take a loss in that sale. Your income tax rate is kept low to make you think you're not paying too much so we don't overthrow the b@$+@&*$. When the US revolted against England, it was over a total tax rate of 17% which was considered to be hugely excessive. If that figure is bad then 68% certainly is as well :mad:

Look all this up yourself, find out the truth. Once you do you'll wish you hadn't because all your peace will be gone forever :cry: So maybe better that you just fuggedaboutit and be the docile slave they want us to be, for it is something we cannot explain well enough to the future generations- when the house of cards we pass on to them collapses they will hate us, and rightfully so :cautious: I just hope the collapse is after I die and I'm comforted in knowing that death will probably be coming along soon for me.

"Where there’s no ill, no grief, but sleep has mending, Naught broken save this body, lost but breath; Nothing to shake the laughing heart’s long peace there, But only agony, and that has ending; And the worst friend and enemy is but Death." ("Peace" by Rupert Brooke)


Oh, I know, and agree. That was the percentage of his personal income taken in taxes. Not included was sales tax, VAT, fees, and every other nickel-and-dime city, province, and national government money grab.

His overall tax rate, he estimated, was north of 70% after you added up every little thing the government had its hand in his pocket for. I remember the conversation vividly. Never mind the taxes on his business. You Europeans reading this, feel free to chime in.

And I know it happens here too. I personally just assume another 20% gets added to the top of my state and federal income taxes. I bought a new car back in November, my first in 17 years. I've always bought 1-3 year old cars specifically to avoid enriching the state when I do. I paid the state of Arizona almost $5,000 for the privilege of doing it in their state. They did nothing to add value to the transaction, mind you.

And now the weather.




Okay ill try one.

Crocs,,,,, plural.

Well DUH !



Time to catch up.

Well if the pile was sufficient high i would get one too.
Noooooo :rolleyes:

I cant tell how many times i have had to whip up a slim jim like contraption when i worked on the ferries to unlock peoples cars
The people wearing JB jackets, thats probably amusing to a lot of people voting for the other guy.

Actually i have never stolen a car myself, not even in my bad days, but i have driven in one 2 times, 1 time as passenger and the second time as the driver just to shut up the people thinking they was Soooo fast doing the BMW 320 i / Moesgaard forest dash. ( which mean drive from the hotel at the entry to the forest and thru it to the ice house / beach at the end )
As far as i recall my time was never beaten. :oops::whistle: you probably had to look to Hollywood to ever have seen a BMW fly that far, i was there and nearly soiled myself and the "F" word was uttered too.
You can see my launch ramp here in the background, dont seem like much and it is also leveled out now, but the ramp was about 40 - 45 degrees for the last 20 - 30 feet or so.
There is a reason that bumpy road sign is there:)
The people wearing JB jackets, thats probably amusing to a lot of people voting for the other guy.
Especially since they probably photoshopped it in the first place using a meme generator web site.

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Today's technology is so good that anyone can be made to do anything in a video with just a couple pics of them used as the base, and it will look absolutely perfect and believable. You can't even believe what you see anymore :(

Just have a play around with the meta human creator,,,, if your computer can handle it.
